Meet Sisters Katelyn & Kameron {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 1/10/20 8:31 AM
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Learn More About This ChildWe’ve got two more adorable sisters to introduce you to – meet Katelyn, who turns 8 years old next week (!), and her sister Kameron, who is 6 years old. We were able to meet these sweet girls during our Superkids trip in November. We have additional photos and information from this meeting that can be shared with families interested in being considered for matching.

Taiwan Adoption - Gladney Center for AdoptionKatelyn can be shy around new people, but she was really brave when we met with her. She even solved some math problems for us! Katelyn’s social workers told us that she loves being active and playing outside. Katelyn told us that she also likes playing Barbies and watching Japanese cartoons. She told us that she wants to own her own bakery when she grows up!

Taiwan Adoption - Gladney Center for AdoptionKameron is outgoing and social. Like her sister, she also loves being active – dancing, running, and playing basketball. She also likes creating artwork and playing poker with her sister! Kameron’s social workers told us that she makes friends easily and gets along well with her classmates. Kameron told us that her favorite food is candy and that she wants to be a mom when she grows up. Kameron has amblyopia and was wearing a patch on her eye when we met with her.

Both girls were suspected to have some sensory processing issues, but they seemed to be doing really well when we met them! They are living together in the same foster family. To learn more about the girls, please reach out to Mary Chapman at  

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

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