MATCHED!! Meet Juliet {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/30/21 1:15 PM
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Meet Juliet! Juliet is an adorable little girl who just celebrated her 2nd birthday! We have several photos and videos of Juliet that we can’t share publicly, so keep reading to learn more about Juliet and how to request her file.

Waiting Children - Gladney Center for Adoption

Juliet likes to live a relaxed and easy lifestyle. She laughs around familiar caregivers and takes initiative to ask for hugs. Her caregivers report that she has a persistent personality and clear preferences.

Waiting Children - Gladney Center for AdoptionWe have videos of Juliet playing with toys, feeding herself with a spoon, walking with a baby walker, and more. We can see in the videos that she maintains good eye contact and are told that she is able to walk for 20-30 minutes if pushing a baby walker. She of course will take pauses to rest, but typically doesn't sit down. Juliet likes to watch T.V. and play with toys that make sounds.

She has been diagnosed with spinal bifida and hydrocephalus and has delayed speech when compared with children her age. However, she has been receiving early interventions on weekly basis and she practices walking 3 to 4 times daily. Juliet has received leg splints to support walking and improve muscle tone, and with great success, she is now able to stand up on her own!

Could your family be the one Juliet needs to support her as she reaches more developmental milestones? Please contact to inquire about this darling little girl!

Waiting Children - Gladney Center for Adoption


Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

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