New York City Chinese New Year Celebration Fun

Posted by Leslie Winston on 2/12/19 8:32 AM
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China AdoptionThank you to everyone in the New York City area who came out for our annual Chinese New Year celebration at Jing Fong restaurant! We had an excellent turn out on Super Bowl Sunday and everyone had a great time! The children made crafts and loved interacting with the dancing dragon.

2019cny25A special thank you to GFA members Maria, Amy and Jane for the finishing touches that made this event unique and fun!  If you would like to become more involved volunteering with local events, please contact the NY Gladney Family Association co-president Maria.

If you couldn’t celebrate with us for the Year of the Pig, . . . there is always next year -- the Year of the Rat!


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Topics: China Adoption, Gladney Event, China

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