Puzzle Donations for Adoption

Posted by Emily Conway on 1/20/19 10:07 PM

The adoption process can be stressful. Although there are scholarships and grants available to help with the fees, sometimes they don’t cover all of them. However, there are many ways to fundraise! One idea is creating a puzzle fundraiser. Each family or individual has the opportunity to “sponsor” a piece of the puzzle. In the end the puzzle can be a nice memento that can be hung on the wall. Here are some tips for organizing one:

  1. Customize your own puzzle. You can do this easily on sites like Shutterfly, Zazzle, Puzzle Warehouse, and Puzzles Print. Once you select the image you want to use and have selected the size, save the preview image to use in promoting.
  2. Promote the puzzle. You could advertise each puzzle piece as a suggested donation or a set donation. Each donor will have their name written on the back of the puzzle piece they sponsor. You can promote all of this information on various social media platforms. Encourage family and friends to share posts with their networks so that the fundraiser reaches even more people.
  3. Order the puzzle. Once all donations are in, order the puzzle and post a family photo with it thanking all those who donated.


Now you can support other fundraisers you see, provide support to another family trying to fundraise, and share about your fundraising experience with us! Email your story (and photos too!) to adoption@gladney.org.

If you have questions about fundraising or other financial aspects of adoption, please reach out to our Senior Vice President of Finance.

Topics: Adoption Finance, Adoption Fundraiser

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