Scarlett {China} Has The Smiles

Posted by Superkids Team on 7/24/20 9:45 AM
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Meet Scarlett! Scarlett is 10 years old with a bright, sunny, and contagious smile. She is a very personable child and has a strong acceptability of others. Scarlett likes being outside and staying active. She enjoys skipping rope, playing basketball, and hula-hooping. Wait until you see her videos! She has great control of her body movements and can show off her fine and gross motor skills through arts and crafts.

Waiting Children - Gladney Center for Adoption

Scarlett has been diagnosed with epilepsy and receives anti-epileptic therapy. Otherwise, Scarlett is in average health and it's important to note that her epilepsy doesn't interfere with her daily life.  Scarlett is fond of playing with other children and can pick up new tasks and hobbies with ease.

Waiting Children - Gladney Center for AdoptionCould Scarlett be the perfect child for your family? Please contact for more information and the chance to view her adorable photos and videos! 

Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

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