It seems we have been bombarded with unsettling news for weeks. And depending on your personality, social distancing could be your worst nightmare or your dream come true (under different circumstances). For me, it's a little of both. I have enjoyed some special blessings during this time. For example, my daughter who is a college student several hundred miles away has been home. Our whole family has enjoyed being together and playing domino games late into the night. We have had dance parties and cooking contests and we have had some quiet moments too, like cuddling and watching movies. There has been some blessings in all this chaos.
But, one thing I have started to miss is the feeling of being in community with my friends, neighbors and fellow Gladney team members. I was starting to feel pretty blue and I was mindlessly scrolling through social media trying find something.....but what was I looking for? I began to seriously examine this question and it hit me like a lightening bolt. I was seeking connection. I started rolling this idea through my mind while I was scrolling and something stopped me in my tracks. One of our ministers posted a video of a candle with the hymn "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" playing in the background. His message was simple, "When I feel anxious, old hymns make me feel better." Bam! There is was connection. I held on to this feeling. I felt it deep within me and it was comforting. Really comforting. About this time, my husband suggested we grab the kids and take a walk outside.
Our daughter's boyfriend got trapped with us is visiting us and wanted to walk around our neighborhood and explore one our hood's famous neighbors, Texas Christian University. It was a magical spring evening with about an hour left of precious daylight. It was cloudy and a little cool and it felt so wonderful.
As we were walking I saw so many people practicing social distancing but also seeking connection. I saw neighbors just sitting on their front porch, kids playing baseball with their parents, I saw people playing ball with their dogs. Our walk continued around TCU's campus and we saw other families walking, We saw a few students running the stadium steps. It was quiet except for a few bursts of laughter now and then or hearing a dog bark excitedly about finding his ball. In that moment, I felt connected to not just my family but the moment and time I was in- I felt connected to the universe... and it felt really good.

I want you to do the same- seek connection and you shall find it. It's a blessing of our time.
PS- I hope you enjoy a few pics I snapped on our walk.