Separation of Children from Parents at our Nation’s Borders

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 6/29/18 12:24 PM

The Gladney Center for Adoption is very saddened and troubled by the separation of children from parents at our nation’s borders.  Research demonstrates children who are suddenly and without cause separated from their parents experience significant trauma with long-lasting negative impact on growth, emotional and mental health. To learn more about this issue please click here to read the American Association  of Pediatrics’ statement. Gladney is a child centered organization and we advocate for children around the world.

It’s important to understand that the plan for the children experiencing separation from parents at the border is to have them reunified with their families as quickly as possible.  So many families have reached out with the humanitarian intent to help. We want you to know that we appreciate the calls to help, and the best way to help these children is to take action with your combined voices, supporting their immediate return to their families.  

Take Action

Gladney has reached out to our state and federal representatives to voice our concern for these children and advocate for their safe and timely return to their parents.  We encourage you to do the same.  

There are additional ways you can help the U.S. children who do not have legal parents, and are waiting for a family  in foster care.  We are working with children who are without parents due to abuse and neglect.  These children deserve a loving and caring family and you may be the hope they need. 

Learn More About  Foster Adoption

Topics: Advocacy, Foster Adoption

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