MATCHED!! Siblings Need A Loving Family | Kelly & Ken

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/5/20 3:59 PM
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We don’t have photos of siblings Kelly and Ken that can be shared publicly, but trust me when I say they are adorable! We can share photos and a video with anyone who we can confirm meets the requirements to adopt from Taiwan.


Kelly is 8 years old and is living in foster care. She loves to be active and it’s no surprise that her favorite class in school is PE! She likes riding her bike and playing with friends. She does well in school and gets mostly A’s and B’s on her report cards. She gets along well with her peers and has friends at school.

Kelly has developed a good attachment with her caregivers. It’s reported that Kelly takes initiative to share and she also will ask for help when she is frustrated or facing a challenge. Kelly has no medical needs and appears to be doing well developmentally.

Taiwan Waiting Children - Gladney Center for Adoption


Ken just turned 6 years old this past weekend! Ken is a little shier than his big sister, but it’s reported that he has a good relationship with his caregiver. He also lives in a foster family. He is very caring towards younger children. Ken is considerate and helpful – often helping his foster mother carry the shopping bags.

Ken is especially happy when he gets to see his big sister. Ken has some developmental delays, but he is getting occupational, physical, and speech therapies weekly.

To review Kelly and Ken’s profile, which includes photos and a video, please contact

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

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