MATCHED! | Meet Sisters Nila and Nikki from Taiwan

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/14/23 1:30 PM
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We are excited to introduce siblings Nila and Nikki!

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Nila is 8 years old, and she enjoys playing with toys and playing outdoors. Nila is known to be strong willed, not timid, and gets along well with her peers. Nila resides with a foster family and has a close bond with her 8 year old foster brother.  

Nila has mild cognitive developmental delays. She is a second grader in elementary school and attends resource classes. Nila attends an afterschool program where she can receive extra assistance with her school work. When asked about her favorite subject in school, Nila stated music class because she loves to sing!  

Nikki is 6 years old, and her favorite activity is playing games like Red Light, Green Light and Hide-and-Seek! Nikki also enjoys playground slides, drawing, watching cartoons, and anything involving Princess Elsa. Nikki's foster mother describes her as outgoing and passionate. She isn't shy and will excitedly approach new people.   

Nikki has global delays and suspected ADHD. She attends weekly physical, occupational, and speech therapies. Nikki made notable improvements since starting these therapies. She can identify colors, count to 20, draw pictures, and speak in full sentences. Nikki attends kindergarten and stated she likes school. Each day, Nikki eagerly shares about her day with her foster mother. 

Nila and Nikki live in separate foster homes. They have had the opportunity to spend time with each other at events sponsored by their social welfare agency. In a recent outing, the girls spent time together enjoying the sights and activities at a dinosaur theme park! The sisters have a 9 year old brother who was adopted to a family residing in Denmark. 

For more information about adopting Nila and Nikki, please contact us at

To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children. To see more photos of Nila and Nikki, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.   

*Don’t forget to register for our next virtual information session to learn more about adopting from Taiwan.* 

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