Kasper is an 8 year old little boy with one request: He wants a family. What do you say to an 8 year old boy when he asks you to find him a family? You can't say that you will. You stand there, your mind spinning, knowing full well the challenges of finding him one. And you can only promise one thing: you will try.
He sought me out, dragging an interpreter along, to tell me he wanted us to find him a family. I didn't know if he told anyone else, but when I read through notes we made while visiting with him last month I see that he did. Apparently he wanted to get the message to any of us he thought could make that happen!
Kasper likes to play with Legos, he is in 2nd grade and can read and write in Mandarin. He wrote his name for us and was very cooperative with what we asked him to do, until it got hard, then he balked a bit. What 8 year old likes to answer hard math facts? :)

Kasper's file indicates that he has ADHD, for which he is taking medication. He also has some difficult things in his background which break my heart when I read them. Some of his behaviors reflect the trauma he has experienced, which is to be expected.
This sweet little guy like hamburgers and french fries and likes PE, especially running, at school. He speaks in complete sentences and had some cute answers to questions we asked him. In one picture children are washing their hands and when we asked him why they need to do that he replied so that they will not get an intestinal flu or virus.
Could Kasper be your son? Please contact mary.chapman@gladney.org for more information!
P.S. Don't forget to join our private Facebook group where we can share photos and videos of the children from Taiwan that we cannot show publicly!