The impact of giving
Whether you are a Gladney client or donor, we want to hear how those within the Gladney Community have changed your life! We are going to create a video to show the generational and community level impact of adoption and how every one of you plays a part.
We need your help!
Here are a few things we'd like you to talk about in your video:
- Tell us what led you to make a donation to Gladney. (For example: What is your connection to Gladney? What about Gladney's mission do you believe in? Why is it important to you to support Gladney?)
- Tell us about the impact of your donation. (For example: How did you feel when you made your gift? What do you see as the outcome of your giving? Why would you continue to support Gladney?)
- If you are an adoptive parent or birth parent, what would you say to the past donors whose support helped provide the services you received from Gladney? How did their gifts impact you?
Are you ready to start your video? Check out the tips below on how to create a great video!
Once you have your video ready, please upload it to our Impact of Giving folder.
Let us know about your awesome video by commenting below.
#WeAreGladney #MakingADifferenceTogether