The Next Right Thing

Posted by Mark Melson on 1/1/20 9:59 AM
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Sitting in church this past Sunday our associate pastor was delivering a message taken from the movie Frozen 2.  I’ll admit that it took me about two years to see the first Frozen and I have yet to see the second, however I did YouTube what she was talking about.  In the movie there is a song that Anna (Kristin Bell) sings called The Next Right Thing. Even though I haven't seen the movie, this resonated with me because the message seemed to be about overcoming adversity or tackling big problems by doing The Next Right Thing. 

I think in life we are faced with these situation a lot.  I know at Gladney it seems we are always tackling one big challenge after another.  One real big challenge we see today is too many children facing life without a forever family.  Whether stuck in foster care or an orphanage, or a fragile child born to a birth mother who is unable to care for them, there are simply too many children out there waiting for their forever family. 

This problem may seem overwhelming.  In our welfare system today, there are a million moving parts, each impacting the outcome of the next.  How do you tackle such a problem – you do The Next Right Thing.  You answer the call when an expectant mother reaches out looking for answers and options.  You take the hand of a child stuck in foster care or an orphanage and tell their story to anyone who will listen.  You reach out to partners who share your same belief and start rowing in the same direction.  You become laser focused on your part of the problem and you do The Next Right Thing. 

As we come down from the holidays and embark on a new year, it can be tough to know where to begin.  Don’t overthink it. Just do The Next Right Thing.

Happy 2020 from all of us at Gladney, 

MarkHappy New Year from Gladney Center for Adoption







Jamie Street


Topics: Insider, Foster Adoption, Gladney Leadership, International Adoption

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