What We're Reading: Is Childhood Trauma a Public Health Crisis?

Posted by Emily Morehead, MA, LPC on 12/3/18 8:15 AM
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I’m a natural born hypochondriac. I know the CDC’s flu recommendations, knew all the signs and symptoms of Ebola and was obsessed with tracking the cities that Zika had impacted. Even if you aren’t a hypochondriac like me you know that public health crises like these flood the news, our social media feed and plague our minds. But why aren’t we talking about the public health crisis that is trauma?! 

Gladney UniversityResearch continually shows strong and consistent findings that trauma is real, generational and is impactful across the lifespan. Even worse- the more traumas a person has experienced the bigger the impact it can be. Research shows up for these findings time and time again. It’s our job to show up for these findings and impact legislation, conversations and awareness about the true reality of this phenomenally impactful public health crisis. 

Read   "Should Childhood Trauma  Be Treated As A  Public Health Crisis?"


Topics: Suggested Reading, Gladney University, Trauma

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