Gladney Center for Adoption
130 Years of Hope
Superkids is shining a light on two adoptive parents who have recently adopted children with Down syndrome. These moms are tireless advocates, and as a bonus, they are both Superkids volunteers! Lora and Michelle have graciously agreed to answer our questions about adopting a child with Down syndrome.
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Down Syndrome,
China Adoption,
Taiwan Adoption,
Adopting from the state foster care system comes with a lot of unknowns, but because of people like Dan & Karen, kids like Michael and James have a family who loves them and a bright future ahead. Watch Michael share the evolution of his adoption story from being known as “street baby” to “just Michael”.
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Foster Adoption
Read the latest information about Gladney's China and Taiwan's adoption program in September's Gladney Newsletter.
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China Adoption,
Taiwan Adoption,
China & Taiwan Newsletter
- MGM paid Edna Gladney $5,000 for rights to her story which they then turned into the movie “Blossoms in the Dust”. She donated the money to the Texas Children's Home and Aid Society to help reduce the agency's debt. Each year generous supporters like you join us for the exciting annual North Texas Giving Day—this year it will be September 14, 2017 from 6 a.m. to midnight. Your generous support makes a meaningful difference.
- Because of her tenacity, Mrs. Gladney was known as "that Gladney woman" to members of the Texas Legislature. Being an #AdoptionAdvocate is still an integral part of Gladney.
- The Houston Auxiliary was the first support group of Gladney volunteers to formally organize. Today, Gladney has an entire development department and Gladney Family Associations that organize fundraising events for Gladney year-round. Check out some of their latest events.
- Texas Christian University, in Fort Worth, granted Mrs. Gladney an honorary Doctor of Laws degree in 1957.
- In 2016, Gladney Adoptee, Alicia Taylor, rolled out Gladney Teen Outreach (GTO). GTO provides a community for teens & tweens, adopted or not, to connect and inspire one another while having fun, fostering lifelong friendships and furthering Gladney’s Mission of Creating Bright Futures through Adoption.
- Ralph Wheelwright, an MGM publicist, and his wife, adopted a baby girl from Mrs. Gladney in 1940. Inspired by Mrs. Gladney's devotion to the Texas Children's Home and Aid Society, he sketched out her life story and presented it to Louis Mayer, head of Hollywood's Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio. Wheelwright was paid $10,000 for the project idea.
- Former First Lady Barbara Bush, a Gladney grandparent, attended the agency's Centennial celebration in 1987 as a special guest.
- Cookies4Kids was created in 2010 by Chef Eric Justice, former Director of Culinary Operations for Pei Wei Asian Diner, after he attended the Gladney Cup golf tournament. All proceeds from the decadent double chocolate chunk oatmeal cookies benefit the Gladney Center for Adoption's humanitarian aid efforts.
- The first annual Gladney Cup golf tournament was held at the Colonial in Fort Worth in 1999. In 2017, The Cup will experience The Country Club in Brookline, MA. We are thankful for all of the players and sponsors at the 2017 Gladney Cup.
- Gladney began operating with an assumed name certificate as The Edna Gladney Center in 1987.
And those are your Gladney adoption facts for September. Stay tuned for more!
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130th Anniversary
- Auxiliaries were renamed to Gladney Family Associations in 2006 and there are currently 18 GFAs operating around the country! Be sure to join your GFA today.
- To meet the needs of working women in Sherman, Mrs. Gladney founded the Sherman Nursery and Kindergarten for Working Women. Thirty-five women enrolled their children on opening day. Check out these old nursery rhymes from that time period.
- The Gladney Fund was created in 1992 as a separate not-for-profit organization devoted to raising funds to support The Gladney Center. In 2008, the fundraising efforts of the organization were integrated back into the Center’s operations in an effort to more closely align programs and development. The Gladney Fund exists today as a separate entity with a nine member Board of Directors tasked with managing Gladney’s Endowment funds.
- In 1991, the Board officially renamed the agency The Gladney Center.
- Edna Gladney’s second legislative battle was in 1951. Mrs. Gladney successfully argued that adopted children should have the same inheritance rights as biological children and that they should be legally adopted rather than placed in a long-term guardianship.
- While in Cuba for a year-long honeymoon and business trip, Mrs. Gladney experienced a near-fatal tubal pregnancy, which left her unable to conceive other children.
- Gladney's current international adoption program began in 1992. Today, the Center maintains programs in China, Colombia, and Taiwan. Start your adoption journey today by requesting Gladney’s free Adoption Information Packet
- A network of regional offices began with the opening of the Houston office in 1988. Gladney currently maintains regional offices located in Austin, Midland and Houston, Texas; Brandon, FL; Oklahoma City, OK; and New York, NY.
- Mrs. Gladney's fondness for fancy hats became legendary over time, eventually becoming her trademark.
- Edna referred orphaned children to the Texas Children's Home and Aid Society for placement with adoptive families, and joined the board of that organization in 1910.
- Director Walter Delamarter (1961-1963) established Friends of the Edna Gladney Home Committees, which were later called Auxiliaries and then Gladney Family Associations, or GFAs.
- The movie Blossoms in the Dust, the story of Edna Gladney’s life, cost $1.1 million to produce; it grossed $2.65 million in box office ticket sales around the world.
And there you have 12 Gladney adoption facts for August.
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130th Anniversary
Read the latest information about Gladney's China and Taiwan's adoption program in August's Gladney Newsletter.
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China Adoption,
Taiwan Adoption,
China & Taiwan Newsletter
As you explore your adoption options, you might have thought about adopting from Taiwan. Taiwan stands out from other Asian countries in several ways:
- You receive detailed information on birth parents and family history
- Sibling groups of all ages are available
- Both minor and moderate types of special needs children are available
- You can Skype with your matched child while waiting to travel to complete your adoption
- You can receive updates on the child you're matched with almost monthly while waiting to travel
- Find out more about Gladney's Taiwan Adoption Program today by requesting Gladney free information packet.
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Taiwan Adoption
- The Adoption Department receives around 5,000 inquiries each year from those interested in adopting. Are you interested in starting your adoption journey?

- In April 2002, this Gladney flag was part of the Official Flight Kit for STS-110 – the thirteenth space shuttle flight to the International Space Station. Visitors to Gladney’s Fort Worth Campus can view the flag close to Mabee Hall.
- Gladney went on-line in December, 1995, one of the first adoption agencies in the country to do so.
- Dr. William Pierce established the National Committee For Adoption’s (now National Council for Adoption) first office in Washington, DC – named the Ruby Lee Piester Center for Adoption – to educate policymakers on adoption.
- The average age of birth mothers today is 24-26. Read Muthoni’s adoption story.
- The Gladney campus on Hemphill Street was built around the original West Texas Maternity Hospital, which was located between the health clinic (formerly Duncan Memorial Hospital) and the Nina B. Reese Counseling Center.
- The movie Blossoms in the Dust premiered at the Worth Theater in Fort Worth on July 18, 1941. The theater was highly decorated in pink and white gladiolas in honor of Edna and Sam Gladney. MGM was said to have purchased every gladiola in the state of Texas for the event!
- Mrs. Gladney’s famous argument on removing the stigma of illegitimacy from birth records before the Legislature: "There are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate parents."
- In January of 1963, the Gladney Home was selected by the University of Texas Graduate School of Social Work as a field placement raining agency for graduate students. Are you interested in interning at Gladney? Find out about open opportunities.
- In addition to being Hague Accredited, Gladney is one of the few agencies that offer Hague approved training for adoptive parents. The Hague Convention stipulates that families who are adopting internationally must have ten clock hours of training covering specific topics. Gladney has incorporated all specified topics in the Hague trainings which are available online.
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130th Anniversary
Gladney received this announcement today from CCWA:
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China Adoption
Adoption Stories
NewsChina recently shared the adoption story of Gladney parents, Sabrina and Mark, and their daughter Veronica. Veronica was adopted from Anhui Province, China.
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China Adoption,