Gladney, Southwest Airlines, and Adoption Stories

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/30/18 1:08 PM

Southwest Airlines created a cute commercial showing an adoptive couple running around the story buying baby paraphernalia. Their campaign was "Behind Every Seat is a Story." Check out the video below:


Gladney Family Susie & Jeff are one of those stories "behind the seat." 

"We flew on Southwest Airlines when we got our oldest Gladney baby 6 years ago. JP arrived early (10 days early) so we had to book our flight for the day after he was born. We so appreciated the price was reasonable and easy to arrange. We flew in and out of BWI because JP was born in Virginia and that was the easiest for us.

Gladney Adoption Story

Our return trip was the same - we got our permission to leave the state on a Wednesday and flew out on Friday. The prices were reasonable and worked great with flying my hubby and myself between Dallas Love Field and BWI.

Gladney Adoption Story

My mother also flew Southwest Airlines from Kansas. She meet us there to meet JP and then traveled back to DFW with me as Jeff left before we all could travel to do Navy duty.

We love Southwest! I even have pics of JP on his first flight!"


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