Meet Kelsey, a Superkid

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/14/21 9:35 AM
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Our Superkids team previously met Kelsey in 2019 and had the chance to meet with her again over Zoom this month.   If you want to learn more about Kelsey, don't forget to tune in for our Facebook live presentation on Thursday, April 15th!

Waiting Children - Gladney Center for Adoption

Waiting Children - Gladney Center for AdoptionKelsey will be nine years old soon and is still waiting for her family. When we met with her, she kept a steady smile on her face and appeared to be in good spirits. She told us that her favorite class in school is P.E. and she finds English class to be the most difficult. It certainly isn’t easy learning a second language, but she put her skills to use saying ‘thank you’ several times during our visit.

We learned that Kelsey’s favorite sports are dodgeball and frisbee, and summertime is her favorite time of year. Kelsey showed off her knowledge by correctly answering our multiplication math problems without hesitation. Kelsey’s favorite colors are yellow and blue, and she told us she wants to be a dancing police officer when she grows up!

Kelsey is a medically healthy and active young girl waiting for the loving family she deserves. She has been diagnosed with ADHD which is controlled with medication.

Waiting Children - Gladney Center for AdoptionWe still have much more information on Kelsey so please contact  for more information! Also, be sure to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to see his adorable photos and videos! Could your family be the one she needs?

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

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