
Posted by Superkids Team on 6/8/17 8:04 AM

Y'all ready for some crazy cute cuteness this morning?

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption


Posted by Superkids Team on 6/6/17 11:32 AM
Sweet, smart, and sensitive are words used to describe Darwin. He will be turning 9 years old in June and he has very minor needs.  Darwin loves to dance and sing. He made known that his all-time favorite song is Party Animal from the band May Day. 
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Meet Nova!

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/6/17 8:18 AM

This precious, adorable little girl is turning 3 next week. So an early happy birthday is in order, I think. Wouldn't it be awesome for her to get a family for her 3rd birthday?

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

Meet Lee

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/1/17 9:56 AM

Lee is a quiet, observant little 6 year old boy. He loves drawing, singing, and dancing.

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

McKenna {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/30/17 7:10 AM
Who was this little girl with the cutest little bob? It was McKenna. She came into the room, shy and quiet and quickly eyed what she wanted to play with while she waited patiently for her turn. She wore a cute dress with jeans, being ever particular about not getting it dirty as she waited. 
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Meet Gavin!

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/29/17 8:23 AM

Gavin is a darling little 2 year old boy. He is currently in the care of the Shanghai Healing Home. If you scroll through their Facebook page you will see more cute pictures of him. We kept his advocacy name so that he is easy to find on their page.

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

Micah - Our Little Star {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/25/17 7:20 AM
Micah may be 4 but he knows what he likes and doesn’t like. And don’t you know it; he liked sunglasses. Once he put the sunglasses on it was game over. This kid knows how to work it and he was such a ham. He would look for the camera and strike a pose every time. We got hip Micah, smiley Micah, and superstar Micah just to name a few.
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

An Update on Iris!

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/24/17 12:15 PM

We requested and received an update on Iris! You can read all about her here, but in brief she is 5 years old and has developmental delays and esotropia. Just look at this little cutie riding her bike! We would love to tell you more about her! Please contact us at superkids@gladney.org for more information.

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

Magical Mickey {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/23/17 7:38 AM
The advocacy name Mickey was chosen after the cartoon character Mickey Mouse. Not only is Mickey Mouse the official mascot of The Walt Disney Company but he is known throughout the world as the fun loving adventurous little mouse that saves the day with his cuteness.  And boy does the name fit. Mickey is a 1 and a half year old little bundle of cuteness. 
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption


Posted by Superkids Team on 5/22/17 8:22 AM

Meet little miss Lolly! She is 2 years old and is described as observant and curious. We met her in October and she was pretty quiet, but she watched everything happening in the room with interest.

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

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