An Update On... LOGAN!

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/9/16 10:29 AM

I almost didn't recognize Logan when he came into the room when we were in China last month! His hair had grown so much and the skin condition he is diagnosed was not visible at all until you looked for it! He is so, so cute!

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China

Introducing Michelle! {Taiwan Trip}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/5/16 1:00 PM

Superkids is heading back to Taiwan in just a few days! We are hoping for no typhoons this time! Along with Gladney VP and Director of Asia Programs, Gongzhan Wu, Taiwan Program Caseworker, Mary Chapman, and Superkids Pediatric PT, Keely Farkas, we have two new Superkids volunteers joining us for this trip - Faith and Michelle. Today we'd like to introduce you to Michelle who is a soon-to-be adoptive mom and an adoption advocate!

Hi there. My name is Michelle, and I am feeling blessed to be able to join the Superkids team as we travel to Taiwan to advocate for the children still In search of their forever families. 

A snap shot about me. I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter and a nanny. My family and I live in Northern Virginia, just minutes outside of our nation's capital. I have a wonderful husband and two fantastic teenagers. I love being a wife, mom, sister, daughter and nanny, there is no other title that would mean more. I'm passionate about life and really enjoy walking along side young ones as they grow into little adults. The privilege I have sharing in little ones lives through being a nanny as well as serving as a lead Sunday school teacher for the ones and twos room is amazing. 

Why Taiwan and why now? Well, our family has made the decision to grow our family through adoption. We didn't come to this lightly. This has been something that has been heavy on our hearts and prayed for a long time. When we talked about it we all felt the same way, we didn't want to just adopt any child. We wanted our "special" child. We were adopting a little boy from Taiwan with special needs. We want to help educate others, advocate for Down syndrome. Our little boy is special. he has an additional chromosome. That makes him unique. We want to come along side him through his journey of life. So the short of the long is we didn't set out to find a child with Down syndrome. Rather we were blessed by having him find us. 

This will be the first of I hope many trips to Taiwan to advocate for these precious lives. The Superkids team that went to Taiwan in September of last year changed my life forever, they introduced me to my soon to be adopted son. To think that I could be that person to write the blog post about someone else's future child, words don't even begin to describe that feeling. The next journey of my life is beginning, being an advocate for orphans in Taiwan. Feeling blessed at this new title of "advocate" and looking forward to learning more about how we can assure these precious children a chance at a forever home. My heart is overflowing with love to share.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized

Duncan {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/5/16 6:52 AM
Duncan is an adorable 3 and a half year old little boy. We have photos and videos of him, they just can't be shared publicly.
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Introducing Faith! {Taiwan Trip Volunteer}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/3/16 1:24 PM

Superkids is heading back to Taiwan in just a few days! We are hoping for no typhoons this time! Along with Gladney VP and Director of Asia Programs, Gongzhan Wu, Taiwan Program Caseworker, Mary Chapman, and Superkids Pediatric PT, Keely Farkas, we have two new Superkids volunteers joining us for this trip – Faith and Michelle. Today we’d like to introduce Faith who will be our photographer!

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

An Update On... JACK!

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/2/16 1:00 PM


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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China


Posted by Superkids Team on 4/28/16 8:56 AM

Each time we go to China we come home with certain children heavy on our hearts. Today I'm going to introduce you to one of those children.

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

Superkids Trip to Taiwan!

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/27/16 7:03 AM
Now that the Superkids team is back from China, we’re gearing up for our trip to Taiwan! The team leaves the US on Saturday, May 7th – only 10 days from now! We’ll be spending a full week in Taiwan and will get to visit both of our partner orphanages, Cathwel Service and Chung Yi Social Welfare Foundation. The team will consist of Gladney VP and Director of Asia Programs, Gongzhan Wu, Taiwan Program Caseworker, Mary Chapman, Superkids PT, Keely Farkas, an amazing professional photographer, Faith, and an awesome adoption advocate, Michelle.
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Dashing Drake! {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/26/16 8:31 AM
Drake is an adorable 5 year old boy. Drake enjoys calm, quiet activities. He loves playing with cars and drawing. He attends a day care and enjoys group activities led by his teachers. 
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Enmei in Ningbo

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/21/16 7:31 PM

Our last day of seeing children was spent in the Enmei orphanage in Ningbo. It was a good day. We met 9 matched children and got updates for their families. This is such a fun part of what we do! It is also an important part of what we do since our goal is not only to find families for children, but also to prepare families to their parent children.

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, China


Posted by Superkids Team on 4/20/16 6:44 AM

There is one little boy on my mind tonight, as sit in a hotel room in Ningbo, thinking back over our time here in China. He needs a family to step forward for him soon!

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

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