Gladney Intern: Communications

Posted by Gladney Intern on 8/18/17 2:02 AM

Hey, there! I’m Katie, a Communications Intern at Gladney Center for Adoption. During my internship, I have worked with my boss, Noah Rodgers, to help create film and media content for Gladney University and AdoptED. After spending three years working as a Social Media Ambassador for Emory University and one year working as an intern in Emory’s Film and Media Studies Department, I was so excited to use my film and media experience to serve the Gladney community. Luckily, I scored the hands-on film and media internship of my dreams! My boss gave me the opportunity to help build our film sets, film the live-streamed Gladney University events, and create social media content for Gladney University. I also created documents with ideas for social media content and a social media calendar to help us brainstorm seasonal and holiday-related content for Instagram and Facebook posts. While I had a blast making documents about emoji usage and hashtags, my favorite part about my internship was the reminder that everything I did at Gladney was an act of service—for a birthmother, a child, a family, or a member of our community.

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Topics: Gladney Intern Blog, A Day in the Life of a Gladney Intern

Marshall & Marnie {Siblings from Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/17/17 8:52 AM
Meet 5 year old Marshall and his 4 year old sister Marnie! We met these adorable siblings for the first time during our visit to Taiwan in April.
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized, Waiting Child

Have You Thought of Adopting From Taiwan?

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 8/16/17 1:51 PM
As you explore your adoption options, you might have thought about adopting from Taiwan. Taiwan stands out from other Asian countries in several ways:
  • You receive detailed information on birth parents and family history
  • Sibling groups of all ages are available
  • Both minor and moderate types of special needs children are available
  • You can Skype with your matched child while waiting to travel to complete your adoption
  • You can receive updates on the child you're matched with almost monthly while waiting to travel
  • Find out more about Gladney's Taiwan Adoption Program today by requesting Gladney free information packet.
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Topics: Taiwan Adoption

Beautiful Taiwan {Picture Post}

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/15/17 8:31 AM
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Topics: Superkids, picture post, Taiwan, Uncategorized


Posted by Superkids Team on 8/14/17 9:19 AM

Hayden is only 1 year old and is an incredibly adorable baby boy. Just look at that little grin! into a puddle on the floor.

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China

NYC (Working) Retreat

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/10/17 8:15 AM

Things have been a little quiet here this week and with good reason. We all converged in the Big Apple to talk about and strategize all things Superkids and Gladney China and Taiwan program related. Lindsay came from Illinois and Mary and Erin came from Pennsylvania.

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized

Darius {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/8/17 7:58 AM
Sweet Darius turned six years old last month. We’ve had the chance to meet Darius twice with Superkids and his full profile was recently completed by our partner agency in Taiwan. We last saw Darius in April and he loved playing with a toy train that lights up! His caregivers told us that his favorite toys are anything with lights or that makes sounds. He also enjoys toy cars.
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized, Waiting Child

Meet Harlow and Kevin!

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/1/17 7:40 AM

Today we are introducing you to two very young children. They have several things in common, they are both 2 (Kevin is close to 3), they are both as cute as buttons, they both have treated hydrocephalus, and they both seem to be dong great developmentally. These children are from different orphanages and are not siblings.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Adoption From Taiwan

Posted by Superkids Team on 7/31/17 4:00 AM

As many of you know, Superkids took a trip to Taiwan in April. This was the 4th time we have been able to visit our partnership agencies there. We have met so many adorable little ones and older ones on these trips!

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized

Top 10 Gladney Adoption Facts

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 7/30/17 10:54 AM
  1. The Adoption Department receives around 5,000 inquiries each year from those interested in adopting. Are you interested in starting your adoption journey?        GET STARTED ON YOUR ADOPTION JOURNEY
  2. In April 2002, this Gladney flag was part of the Official Flight Kit for STS-110 – the thirteenth space shuttle flight to the International Space Station. Visitors to Gladney’s Fort Worth Campus can view the flag close to Mabee Hall.
  3. Gladney went on-line in December, 1995, one of the first adoption agencies in the country to do so.
  4. Dr. William Pierce established the National Committee For Adoption’s (now National Council for Adoption) first office in Washington, DC – named the Ruby Lee Piester Center for Adoption – to educate policymakers on adoption.
  5. The average age of birth mothers today is 24-26. Read Muthoni’s adoption story.
  6. The Gladney campus on Hemphill Street was built around the original West Texas Maternity Hospital, which was located between the health clinic (formerly Duncan Memorial Hospital) and the Nina B. Reese Counseling Center.
  7. The movie Blossoms in the Dust premiered at the Worth Theater in Fort Worth on July 18, 1941. The theater was highly decorated in pink and white gladiolas in honor of Edna and Sam Gladney. MGM was said to have purchased every gladiola in the state of Texas for the event!
  8. Mrs. Gladney’s famous argument on removing the stigma of illegitimacy from birth records before the Legislature: "There are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate parents."
  9. In January of 1963, the Gladney Home was selected by the University of Texas Graduate School of Social Work as a field placement raining agency for graduate students. Are you interested in interning at Gladney? Find out about open opportunities.
  10. In addition to being Hague Accredited, Gladney is one of the few agencies that offer Hague approved training for adoptive parents. The Hague Convention stipulates that families who are adopting internationally must have ten clock hours of training covering specific topics. Gladney has incorporated all specified topics in the Hague trainings which are available online.


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