Fond Farewell to Gladney Board Members

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 4/30/18 3:09 PM

As National Volunteer Appreciation month comes to a close, we want to acknowledge three Gladney Board Members who rotated off of the Board this month.

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Topics: Gladney Leadership, Gladney Culture & History, Volunteer Opportunity

Interning With Gladney in New Beginnings

Posted by Gladney Intern on 4/27/18 6:40 AM

Day in the Life of a Gladney Intern

Hello there, I’m Taylor Caressimo and I’m currently interning with Gladney in the New Beginnings adoption department, where we connect loving families with children who are in foster care to find them their forever homes.

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Topics: Gladney Intern Blog, A Day in the Life of a Gladney Intern

Our Final Day in Taiwan

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/27/18 4:09 AM

We are back in our hotel rooms early today. We saw children at Cathwel this morning then they provided a wonderful lunch for us and we spent some time talking about our common goal of finding families for more children with the director and staff there.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

New Day, New Children

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/26/18 8:27 AM
Today was our first day visiting children at Cathwel Service. We kept up a good pace throughout the day, meeting with 17 children total. Nine of the children we had never met before – and 8 still have their profiles in the preparation stage. Let me introduce you to a few of the new kiddos we met…
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized

Gondolas, Pandas, and Ice Cream

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/25/18 8:22 AM
Day three of our trip is officially in the books, and what a day it was! 
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized

A Day In The Life - In Photos

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/24/18 10:02 AM
The crowded breakfast area in the hotel.
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized

The 2018 Leslie Amend Award Winner

Posted by Wendy Lee on 4/23/18 9:47 AM

Amanda Duvall was recognized as the 2018 Leslie Amend Award winner (Fort Worth Area GFA Volunteer of the Year) at the Gladney Center Board Meeting dinner last night.

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Topics: Volunteer Opportunity, Gladney Family Association

Change Can Be Beautiful!

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/23/18 8:09 AM

Today I witnessed some amazing changes in such a short period of time!

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Topics: Uncategorized, Featured

And We Are Off!

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/21/18 1:00 PM
Be sure to follow our trip here on the blog. Like our Facebook page to be sure you don't miss any updates. And join our private Facebook group where we will post pictures and videos of children that we can't post publicly!
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Help Us Help Children in the XinYu Orphanage in China!

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/20/18 12:22 PM
In recent years, Superkids has been able to meet hundreds of children and provide additional information to prospective adoptive parents.  However, Superkids has a long history that includes other types of important child welfare support. 
Superkids started over 10 years ago as a humanitarian aid initiative.  In the early days, therapists and doctors traveled to China, Ethiopia, and Colombia to train caregivers, assist in providing therapies for children, and deliver expensive therapeutic devices. We now have an opportunity to again help to provide much needed therapeutic support to children in the XinYu orphanage in China.  We are hoping our Superkids followers will consider helping with this initiative.
Gladney Superkids
Dr. Darla Wrage with a young boy from XinYu
  XinYu is an orphanage that Superkids has visited several times.  Even though one-to-one partnerships are no longer part of the China adoption landscape, Superkids is committed to maintaining our support of Xin Yu and continuing our relationship with them. XinYu is in a small, rural area and has fewer resources than other orphanages in big cities. But they have a desire to provide quality care, including therapeutic support for the children residing there.   
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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

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