As we are getting ready to leave for Taiwan in just a couple of days, we wanted to share one last post about our how we’ll spend our time in Taiwan during this Superkids trip.
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption
As we are preparing to head out for our Superkids trip at the end of this week, we thought it would be fun to share about a few of the children we are expecting to meet with each day of our trip! If you’ve been following our Superkids blog for a while, these may be some familiar faces.
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption
As we prepare for our Superkids trip in a just over a week, we thought it would be fun to share about a few of the children we are expecting to meet with each day of our trip! If you’ve been following our Superkids blog for a while, these may be some familiar faces.
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption
As we prepare for our Superkids trip in just over a week, we thought it would be fun to share about a few of the children we are expecting to meet with each day of our trip! If you’ve been following our Superkids blog for a while, these may be some familiar faces.
Our first day, Monday, Oct. 30th, we will be at our partner agency Cathwel’s office and children’s home. We are planning on meeting approximately 20 children throughout the day!
We are excited to meet sweet little Jessica in the morning! We’ll also be meeting with Joey who recently turned 3 years old. Later in the afternoon we’ll get to spend some time with Janet.
We are looking forward to learning more about each of the children we’ll be meeting – their favorite toys, their favorite (and maybe more fun, their least favorite) foods, and other fun facts. We also will be speaking with their caregivers and social workers to get a better understanding of their medical and development needs.
Make sure you are following our PRIVATE Facebook group – as we hope to post photos throughout our time in Taiwan! If you are interested in learning about any of the waiting children, please email us at Superkids@gladney.org. We’ll respond to all emails when we are back from our trip.
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption
Today, we invite you to watch a heartwarming video that sheds light on the journey of adoption through the foster care system and urges you to consider making a difference in the life of a child.
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children