
Posted by Superkids Team on 10/19/16 6:43 AM

Connection is one of those words that adoptive parents and prospective adoptive parents use and think about a lot. Before you meet your child it may be one of your biggest questions. Will my child be able to form a connection, a bond with their new family? Will they have received enough love to keep their little hearts open to be able to give and receive love?

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, China


Posted by Superkids Team on 10/17/16 8:46 AM

We had such a great day in Tianjin!

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, China

Superkids in China {Ji'an}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/14/16 11:30 AM

What should I say about visiting Ji'an? Do you want to hear about the new little boy who was just admitted here who is cuter than cute and sharp as a tack?

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, China

Former Shared List Trip Jiangxi Province

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/14/16 4:30 AM

Superkids has another team in China. As we are visiting our partnership orphanages they are visiting children whose files were formerly on the shared list. Read about their 3rd day visiting children in the Jiangxi province!

Day Three was another full day.

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, China, FSL Project

Superkids in China {Yichun & XinYu}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/13/16 7:50 PM

I was not with the group that visited the Jiangxi province on our April trip, so I was excited to see the children here that I have not seen for a year!

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, China

Superkids in China {Changsha}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/11/16 6:57 AM

This kind of sums up how I feel about today:

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, China

Superkids in China {Shanghai}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/10/16 9:39 PM

Yesterday we visited the Shanghai CWI in Shanghai, China. We met around 20 children, some of whom were matched and others who are still waiting on families. We took lots of pictures, did developmental screenings and had fun playing with the kids.

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, China

Huge News {& Evelyn}

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/29/16 7:51 AM
We have a new partnership orphanage!!
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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China

We are Going to Taiwan! And to China! And to China Again, and Again...

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/22/16 9:35 AM

It is Superkids trip time, but we have never had as many trips happening close to the same time as we have now!

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized, China, FSL Project


Posted by Superkids Team on 9/16/16 8:08 AM

Lori is a lovely 11 year old girl who loves dressing up and looking pretty. When we put a bow in her hair she just couldn't stop smiling!

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China

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