Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, China

Little did I know December 23rd 2015 (the day before my birthday) would be life changing. I was excited to be starting winter vacation (my husband and I are both teachers). We planned on relaxing, spending time with friends and family and maybe an adventure. An adventure is what we were headed for. On my drive home I received a call from the 817 number that I always dropped everything to answer. I pulled over to answer the phone and we receive the news that we had waited to hear for so long. An expectant mom had chosen us to raise her son. Tears of overpowering joy streamed down my face. A million things ran through my mind. We need to book a flight, get a hotel room, pack. I called my husband barely able to speak and told him that he would be a dad and I would be a mom. The words I waited to say for years. My husband and I announced the news the next day to our families.
Topics: Testimonials, Domestic Infant
Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Advocacy Camp, China
Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China
Today our group, which consists of the Superkids team and the advocacy team, left Shanghai and flew to Changsha. It was a bumpy ride but we made it safely.
Topics: Superkids
Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Advocacy Camp, China
Today the Superkids team spent the morning back at the Shanghai Children's Home. We saw most of the older kids yesterday so today it was all about the babies!
Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China
Today we kicked off Gladney's very first advocacy camp in Shanghai. Our group of advocates is diverse, with a China adoptee, a number of prior-adoptive parents, & even an adoptive grandmother who wanted to play and get to know the amazing Superkids.
Topics: Superkids
We had such a great day at the Shanghai Children Home! We saw so many great children and got to see some of our matched kids and deliver packages from their families. What a fun thing to see little ones looking at pictures of their families for the first time!
Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China
We arrived in Shanghai! We are exhausted but we already had some wonderful food! Now it is time to sleep. More tomorrow!
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption