Meet Sullivan! Sullivan recently celebrated his 11th birthday. His file describes him as ‘a handsome and sunshine boy’. What a compliment!
Last year while in the first grade, Sullivan was selected to be the classroom monitor and he continues to maintain excellent school records. He loves to run and his favorite activity is skipping rope! Sullivan gets along very well with his classmates and his physical and intellectual development is comparable to other 11-year-old children.
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China Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Sean recently celebrated his 4th birthday. Sean is a quiet child and has a ready smile. He likes interacting with others, finds it funny to be played with, and likes to be cuddled. His favorite activities include bouncing! His file was updated in March of 2020 and shows Sean is making tremendous growth and improvements. His original file indicated he could roll over from his back to his stomach. Now he is learning to walk with a walker and practices his balance twice a day! What a strong little guy! What’s even cuter? When he sees a familiar adult, he takes little hops of joy and excitement towards them.
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China Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
During the last few months, the Gladney Team has been challenged to find new ways to continue to provide premier adoption education and training to our clients and community. One of these trainings includes Pathways. This is a two-day training program offered in person at Gladney's Fort Worth campus. This training is facilitated by our clinical Post Adoption team and is designed to prepare and empower adoptive parents with new insights and research-based treatment models on how to engage children from hard places.
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Gladney Leadership,
Pathways Training,
Gladney University