More New Files!

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/26/17 9:14 AM

We are so excited that this week we learned of even more new files coming our way! It isn't often we get to make that thrilling announcement 2 weeks in a row! 

Please contact us and we can help you begin to make your dreams of bringing a child home a reality!

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China


Posted by Superkids Team on 8/25/17 9:50 AM

Are you ready for this? You are about to meet 4 year old Jordan!

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China


Posted by Superkids Team on 8/23/17 9:40 AM

We met Silas when he was 2 1/2 weeks old. He was not even admitted to the care of the SWI yet, but they brought him from the hospital to meet us. A tiny little bundle of preciousness.

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China

Millie {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/22/17 9:05 AM
Millie from Taiwan! Contact Mary Chapman at for more information.
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized, Waiting Child


Posted by Superkids Team on 8/21/17 1:54 PM

We met Soleil in October when she was only 4 months old. Naturally, we kind of fell head over heels in love. Look at this sweetheart!

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

New Files!

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/18/17 2:50 PM

I wish you could see us today. The excitement is high. The phone lines are busy as we talk about the news.

New files are coming!

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized

Marshall & Marnie {Siblings from Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/17/17 8:52 AM
Meet 5 year old Marshall and his 4 year old sister Marnie! We met these adorable siblings for the first time during our visit to Taiwan in April.
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized, Waiting Child

Beautiful Taiwan {Picture Post}

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/15/17 8:31 AM
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Topics: Superkids, picture post, Taiwan, Uncategorized


Posted by Superkids Team on 8/14/17 9:19 AM

Hayden is only 1 year old and is an incredibly adorable baby boy. Just look at that little grin! into a puddle on the floor.

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China

NYC (Working) Retreat

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/10/17 8:15 AM

Things have been a little quiet here this week and with good reason. We all converged in the Big Apple to talk about and strategize all things Superkids and Gladney China and Taiwan program related. Lindsay came from Illinois and Mary and Erin came from Pennsylvania.

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Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized

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