We are excited to introduce Jordan! Jordan was born in 2015 and is 7 years old.
Jordan's favorites include playing with building blocks, toy cars, and reading storybooks – especially fairy tales and detective stories! Jordan is inquisitive and loves to explorer.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Gladney Superkids received an update on Allison in February 2022!
Alexa is now 5 years old and enjoys watching cartoons and playing with stimulating toys; especially ones with sound and light! Allison communicates through giggles and physical contact. Allison has global developmental delays and needs a family who can celebrate her and help her reach her full potential.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Gladney Superkids received an update on Kash in February 2022!
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Please join us as we introduce Jemma! Jemma was born in 2011 and is almost 11 years old.
In order to protect children’s privacy, our partner agencies in Taiwan have strict rules regarding photos of children that can be shared publicly. To see more photos of Jemma, request to join our private Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Gladney’s Superkids Program is excited to share new updates on Aaron! Click here to Read his previous post. As of February 2022, Aaron is 10 years old. Over the past year, he has experienced growth emotionally, educationally, and behaviorally and has matured in his interactions and relationships with peers and adults. He responds to hugs, affection, and verbal encouragement.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Please join us as we introduce Josiah! Josiah was born in 2014 and is almost 8 years old.
In order to protect children’s privacy, our partner agencies in Taiwan have strict rules regarding photos of children that can be shared publicly. To see additional photos of Josiah, please be sure to request to join our private Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Meet Jasmine! Jasmine is an adorable 5 year old born in 2016.
In order to protect children’s privacy, our partner agencies in Taiwan have strict rules regarding photos of children that can be shared publicly. To see additional photos (and possibly even videos!) of Jasmine, please be sure to request to join our private Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
The year 2021 will come quickly to a close as we are at the midpoint of December.
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China Adoption,
Taiwan Adoption
We are very excited to have just received the official referral paperwork for the family who will be adopting Kolt! You may recall his sweet photo from his first advocacy post in October of 2020.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Introducing a new sibling group! To view additional pictures and videos of these adorable siblings, please request to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.
As of today, in November 2021, Jane is 8 years old. She has a lively and generous personality! Jane has her own ideas and is courageous when trying new challenges. We hear she is independent with a delicate and sensitive mind.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child