MATCHED! Zooming With Abel {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 12/9/20 9:45 AM


We last advocated for Abel in October of 2020, and are excited to announce we now have extensive updates to his file, including new pictures and videos to share! Since we last wrote about Abel, he has continued to make great progress with his language and speech abilities.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

Update on 4-Year-Old Asa (Taiwan)

Posted by Superkids Team on 12/7/20 8:55 AM

We last met four-year-old Asa in Taiwan in Nov. 2019, and we are excited to announce we now have extensive updates to his file, including new pictures and videos to share! Asa joined our virtual superkids a few weeks ago and we were able to learn more about his developmental and cognitive growth. Just like last time, Asa still loves his toy cars. It’s even better when they are his size so he can ride on them!

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

MATCHED!! Introducing Aldo {Taiwan}!

Posted by Superkids Team on 11/30/20 3:00 PM


Aldo is about to celebrate his 6th birthday! He has a vibrant and tender personality and a great sense of humor. Aldo is medically and developmentally healthy. He is emotionally stable and usually feels joyful and happy. He has good comprehension in terms of learning, and his strengths lie within hand manipulation and physical activities. He is great at riding a two-wheeled bicycle and enjoys jumping on the trampoline and shooting hoops. He also competed in and finished the Spartan Kids race. Way to go Aldo!

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

MATCHED!! More Updates on Kobe {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 11/20/20 7:35 AM


We last met Kobe in Taiwan in November of 2019, and we are excited to announce we now have extensive updates to his file! Kobe is described as a sweet child who helps other children wipe their chairs and tables and is always ready to help his caregivers. We also know that he is a very curious boy who is quick to ask questions.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

Alyssa {Taiwan} Needs a Family to Cuddle

Posted by Superkids Team on 11/16/20 1:00 PM

Meet sweet Alyssa. Alyssa is 2 and a half years old. She has a quiet personality and likes to be cuddled. She has a ready smile and giggle, and rarely cries. Alyssa loves listening to music and enjoys sounds spoken to her. Alyssa is able to turn her head side to side while lying on her stomach and can raise her head and chest momentarily with forearm support. Recently she has been attempting to lift her body off the bed by moving her shoulders. You go Alyssa!

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

MATCHED! Meet Sisters Abby & Amy {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 11/12/20 8:46 AM



We are excited to introduce our newest sibling group, Abby and Amy! Abby recently celebrated her 7th birthday. She is a smart, healthy, and considerate girl with leadership qualities. We have many pictures of Abby so be sure to join the group mentioned below! Abby likes offering help to others, has a strong sense of honor, and will often please adults for compliments. She likes to play role-playing games such as pretending to be a teacher or leader. She also enjoys visiting the zoo, although she is afraid of cats and dogs. Abby’s overall development is comparable to children her age and she often receives praises from her teachers. She recently learned to draw star signs and is able to independently write her name in Chinese characters. Abby has no problem sharing and does well taking turns with her peers.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

MATCHED! Mischievous Alfred {Taiwan} Is Ready For An Adoptive Family

Posted by Superkids Team on 11/5/20 8:36 AM


Meet Alfred! Alfred is a super cute and healthy 8-year-old boy. To view his photos, please join the advocacy group mentioned below.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

MATCHED!! Energetic & Active Describes Axl {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/30/20 1:44 PM

Meet 8-year-old Axl. Axl is an energetic, active, and curious young boy who is in overall good physical health. Axl loves to help out and actively offers help to his peers. He will also wait patiently for something he is very interested in.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

MATCHED! Khloe & Kate. Kate & Khloe. Sisters {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/28/20 1:15 PM


We are excited to introduce our newest sibling group, Kate and Khloe! Kate is a healthy, 7-year-old girl. She is not timid and will take the initiative to interact with unfamiliar adults and peers. Kate has age-appropriate cognitive, verbal, and motor development, as well as good self-care skills.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

MATCHED! ! Get To Know Aden {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/21/20 10:42 AM


Aden is a super sweet, almost-4-year-old little boy.  Aden has a gentle personality and enjoys playing with other kids. He is not afraid of strangers and is willing to actively interact with others. After watching how to correctly play on the jungle gym, Aden was able to do so, and especially enjoys playing on the slides! Aden is not a confrontational child, so if he gets bullied by other children, he seeks comfort and cuddling from his caregiver.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

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