Read the latest information about Gladney's China and Taiwan's adoption program in August's Gladney Newsletter.
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China Adoption,
Taiwan Adoption,
China & Taiwan Newsletter
As you explore your adoption options, you might have thought about adopting from Taiwan. Taiwan stands out from other Asian countries in several ways:
- You receive detailed information on birth parents and family history
- Sibling groups of all ages are available
- Both minor and moderate types of special needs children are available
- You can Skype with your matched child while waiting to travel to complete your adoption
- You can receive updates on the child you're matched with almost monthly while waiting to travel
- Find out more about Gladney's Taiwan Adoption Program today by requesting Gladney free information packet.
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Taiwan Adoption
Today we are introducing you to two very young children. They have several things in common, they are both 2 (Kevin is close to 3), they are both as cute as buttons, they both have treated hydrocephalus, and they both seem to be dong great developmentally. These children are from different orphanages and are not siblings.
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Taiwan Adoption
Meet 6 year old Misty! She is an active, happy, and considerate little girl. Misty has been living with her foster family for several years and her foster mom told us that she is a “great child”! She told us that Misty is usually cheerful and can easily be cheered back up if she gets upset.
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Taiwan Adoption
Sweet Morrie came into the room to meet us and was a little shy and quiet at first. After he figured out that we had fun games to share, he warmed up. He was amazing at the matching game! He also made sure that he was able to complete the picture he was coloring – he was intentional about taking his time and doing a good job of staying in the lines.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Following CCCWA’s announcement earlier this week a lot of families and advocates have been wondering how the suspension of partnerships and other hosting and camp programs will impact China adoptions and Gladney’s Superkids work.
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China Adoption,
Taiwan Adoption
Hiding behind her caregiver, a petite girl came forward. Her name is Danica. Her hair pulled back with a striped shirt and black pants, she waits patiently for her turn with the team. The team starts by asking questions about her such as what she likes and doesn’t like or her favorite food and color. Danica was very reserved and quiet. When a hard question was asked and she did not know how to answer it she would simply look up and give a sweet smile.
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Taiwan Adoption,
The dynamic duo consists of Debbie and Donnie. They get the name dynamic duo because it means two people who are really close or always together. Debbie is the oldest by 2 years. Debbie is noted for looking out for her brother and reminds him of things he needs to do. But as they are getting older Donnie is starting to look out for his sister more and more.
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Taiwan Adoption
Sweet, smart, and sensitive are words used to describe Darwin. He will be turning 9 years old in June and he has very minor needs. Darwin loves to dance and sing. He made known that his all-time favorite song is Party Animal from the band May Day.
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Taiwan Adoption
Who was this little girl with the cutest little bob? It was McKenna. She came into the room, shy and quiet and quickly eyed what she wanted to play with while she waited patiently for her turn. She wore a cute dress with jeans, being ever particular about not getting it dirty as she waited.
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Taiwan Adoption