An Update for Dennis! {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/11/17 7:36 AM
We recently received Dennis’ full profile from our partner agency in Taiwan. We were able to meet Dennis during our last Superkids trip, so it’s exciting to finally have his profile to review!
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Gladney's Taiwan Waiting Children Video

Posted by Superkids Team on 3/7/17 8:54 AM

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

MATCHED!! Max {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/21/17 7:23 AM


Max turned 5 years old in December. We met this sweet boy during our trip last May and are hoping to see him again during our next trip. Max is a gentle boy with a very cute smile that lights up his whole face. He was pretty shy when we met him but warmed up the longer he was with us. 
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Taiwan

Happy Chinese New Year!

Posted by Superkids Team on 1/28/17 6:00 AM
Happy New Year!!
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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Taiwan Adoption

A Few Fun Facts

Posted by Superkids Team on 12/29/16 6:00 AM

As we come to the end of 2016 I thought it would be fun to visit a few highlights from the year.

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Taiwan Adoption

Delilah {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 11/19/16 10:42 AM
Sweetness overload warning... meet Delilah! Her soft round brown eyes and fluffy hair... oh the sweetness. She shares a precious relationship with her foster dad. The bond and connection was so amazing to experience.
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Taiwan Match!

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/26/16 9:05 AM
We are so thrilled to announce that sisters Dakota and Delia are matched! We’ve been advocating for these awesome girls for a while, and met them during our Superkids trip earlier this month and in May. The opportunity for Superkids to meet these sisters and advocate for them is what eventually found them their forever family.
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Leaving On a Jet Plane!

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/1/16 11:00 AM

The Taiwan team should be in the air now or very soon! They are traveling today and will spend October 3-6 in our partnership orphanages in Taiwan. Since both of the orphanages are near Taipei, they will stay in Taipei the whole time they are there.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

China Trip Plans & How You Can Follow Along

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/30/16 4:30 AM

Are you ready?! The plans are made. The tickets are purchased and we are all ready to roll! (Well, except for packing, but we still have next week.)

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Taiwan Adoption

How YOU Can Help!

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/23/16 4:30 AM

We have so many trips coming up over the next few months! As always we need donations to make these trips successful.

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Taiwan Adoption

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