Your monthly gift will make an incredible impact for Gladney all year, helping us create more bright futures through adoption.
Your monthly gift will make an incredible impact for Gladney all year, helping us create more bright futures through adoption.
Topics: Support
You prepared us. As we reflect on the unexpected events, challenges, and lessons of the past year, we can clearly see how you and other Gladney Friends like you equipped us. Your support provides our staff with the tools they need to serve expectant mothers, adult adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, and family members well. From technology and training to office supplies and transportation, we have what we need—to stay connected to each other, meet our clients’ needs, and continue fulfilling our mission of Creating Bright Futures Through Adoption—because of you. You sustain us.
Topics: Support, Development
Love for a child changes everything. Adoption means change and rocks lives and homes to their core. We recently asked adult adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, family members, and Gladney staff members to share what adoption means to them, and they shared these words: dreams, whole, safe, connection, opportunity, passion, future, gift, joy, perspectives, sacrifice, love, and hope. In a continuing season of both change and stillness in our world, we are grateful for the foundation that family connections build in a child’s life.
Topics: Development
2020 is a year full of defining moments that will be reflected on for years to come . . . challenges faced, losses grieved, lessons learned, flexibility shown, creativity generated, and new connections celebrated. As Gladney begins our new fiscal year, we feel hopeful and are balancing that optimism with realistic, strategic decisions and plans. Gladney is not immune to the challenges many individuals, families, and organizations are currently facing. Just as family will always be essential to our mission of Creating Bright Futures Through Adoption, you will always be essential to Gladney—we need you.
Topics: Insider, Gladney Friend, Development
So far, 2020 has been a weighty year in our country and in our world. In some ways, it feels like time is moving slowly, and yet, it is hard to believe it is already summer. As we continue to deal with COVID-19 and social distancing and identify how we can best support families in having conversations with their children about racism, we know flexibility and collaboration are key. We are listening, learning, and making connections, in order to serve our clients well. We have hope—the lessons we are learning and conversations we are having will lead to growth, resources to share, and a brighter future.
Topics: Gladney Leadership, Development
Spring typically brings sights, sounds, and feelings of renewal. I love flowers, and spring brings a theme of growth to my mind. As we deal with COVID-19 and social distancing, I personally feel like some areas of life are on pause, while other areas are busier than ever. There is underlying anxiety for most of us, along with grief and loss for many.
Whatever this season looks like for you, please know we are so grateful for you thinking of and supporting Gladney. While most of our staff members are currently working remotely from home, our caseworkers are continuing to serve expectant mothers who are making an adoption plan, care for teenage girls in foster care in the Gladney Home, advocate to find adoptive families for waiting children in state foster care and international orphanages, and be with adoptive families when their new children are placed with them. Our mission continues.
Even in this challenging season, Gladney daily witnesses a spectrum of growth—babies literally growing and meeting developmental milestones; children who have experienced hurts understanding what it means to be loved and cared for and learning to trust; adoptive parents acknowledging they need support and reaching out for connection and resources; and birth mothers processing their grief and loss, while being proud of who they are and of their children.
Thank you for your support and involvement in their growth. Because of you, Gladney will be present and meet their individualized needs in a personal way—step by step, through changing seasons of life … during their adoption process and for years to come.
Topics: Gladney Leadership, Social Distancing
I’m a fundraiser. That’s my defined responsibility for the important mission of creating bright futures through adoption. However, in this moment and honestly, always, I am not connecting with families to raise money for our important work; I’m connecting to raise their spirits. Today, it is essential that we collectively raise all those who have supported Gladney when we depended on them most. Now, they need us. They are depending on us to be strategic with our asks. Today, my ask has never been more clear: how can Gladney and I help YOU, our family? We all agree family is essential. Gladney believes every child deserves a loving and caring family, and that need will always be essential. Gladney’s Family for Life promise will always be essential. We are here for you. How can we help?
Topics: Gladney Leadership
At Gladney, we say this often and believe in its power—the power to heal, evolve, and withstand each season, shoulder to shoulder as Family for Life.
Topics: Gladney Family Association, Gladney Adoptee, Gladney Friend, Gladney Adoptive Parent, Gladney Birth Parent
As I reflect on the past year and look ahead to the future, I want you to know your support matters. I’m writing on behalf of women, children, and families who feel grateful for you during this season. Although they do not know you, I do, and I want to share this message of appreciation with you: Thank you for choosing to get involved with Gladney and giving towards our mission (and towards their lives).
Topics: Insider, Gladney Leadership, Support