Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption
I have a handsome boy to introduce today! See what I'm talking about?
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption
Caleb is a 4 1/2 year old boy who is described as "a bit shy but very smiley".
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Taiwan Adoption
Harper is a an outgoing, polite little 8 year old girl. She likes to take walks with her foster family after dinner and she likes to pose for pictures (I can't wait to meet her!)
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption
Neil is only 18 months old and has the sweetest, kissable little chubby cheeks. He is described as quiet and as having a ready smile. He likes to listen to music and play with toys.
Topics: Superkids
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Taiwan Adoption
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Taiwan Adoption
Haley is an outgoing, talkative 10 year old girl who loves outdoor sports such as roller skating and basketball.
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption