Host A Trivia Night To Raise Funds For Your Adoption

Posted by Gladney Intern on 11/4/18 12:00 AM

The process of adopting is stressful. However, the cost shouldn’t be. Other than scholarships and grants, there are many ways to raise money that can involve your friends, family, and the community. One simple, fun way to raise money is to hold a trivia night. People love competitions, especially ones where they can put their knowledge to the test against friends, family members, and co-workers. Here are some tips in planning a successful night:

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Topics: Adoption Finance

It's Just a Picture

Posted by Jennifer Lanter on 11/2/18 3:49 PM

November is National Adoption Month (NAM). This is an exciting month for us at Gladney and for the millions of American's who have been touched by adoption in some special way. My name is Jennifer and I am an adoptive mother and a staff member at Gladney so NAM has a very special meaning to me. This is a time when me and my family celebrate and offer extra gratitude for the brave decision our son's birth mother made to place him in our family. Her selfless love made our family complete and there is not a day goes by we do not think of her with love and respect.

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Topics: Adoption Stories, National Adoption Month

Adoption Advice From Gladney Parents

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 11/1/18 10:48 AM

As you are exploring adoption as an option for your family, we are sure that you have many questions. Once a month we ask Mike & Astra a question about their adoption experience.

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Topics: Adoption Advice

Gladney Newsletter: China & Taiwan - Fall 2018

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 10/30/18 8:25 AM

Read the latest information about Gladney's China and Taiwan's adoption program in the Fall 2018 Gladney Newsletter.

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Topics: China Adoption, Taiwan Adoption, China & Taiwan Newsletter

Craig Is Running For Gladney | TCS New York City Marathon

Posted by Natalie Bowen, LMSW-TX on 10/23/18 12:16 PM

The 2018 TCS New York City Marathon is coming up on November 4th. Between now & then, we'll be introducing you to Gladney's charity runners.

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Topics: Support, New York Marathon

Adoption Advice From Gladney Parents

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 10/19/18 6:37 AM

As you are exploring adoption as an option for your family, we are sure that you have many questions. Once a month we ask Thomas & Stephanie a question about their adoption experience.

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Topics: Adoption Advice

Charlie Is Running For Gladney | TCS New York City Marathon

Posted by Natalie Bowen, LMSW-TX on 10/16/18 9:34 AM

The 2018 TCS New York City Marathon is coming up on November 4th. Between now & then, we'll be introducing you to Gladney's charity runners.

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Topics: Support, New York Marathon

How to Set Up a Restaurant Night Fundraiser

Posted by Emily Conway on 10/16/18 12:00 AM

The process of adopting is stressful. However, footing the cost shouldn’t be. One way to raise money for your adoption fee is to set up a restaurant night fundraiser at one of your local restaurants. Many different groups do this across the country as it doesn’t require much time or money. It is also a great way to bring friends and family together and support a local restaurant.

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Topics: Adoption Finance

Selling T-Shirts To Pay For Adoption

Posted by Gladney Intern on 10/15/18 1:00 AM

The process of adopting is stressful. Although there are scholarships and grants that you can apply for, sometimes these don't help to cover the full cost of the adoption fee. One way to raise money for an adoption is to sell custom-designed t-shirts. These t-shirts can obviously promote your cause of adoption on the t-shirt, but it can also feature other various designs to attract the eye. Some of the essential steps in setting up a custom t-shirt sale are:

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Topics: Adoption Finance

How to Create a GoFundMe Campaign

Posted by Gladney Intern on 10/11/18 11:30 PM

The process of adopting can be stressful. However, paying the adoption fees shouldn’t be. One way to raise money to go towards those adoption fees is to create a crowdfunding campaign. Many people have created various fundraisers on the website because it is an easy and convenient way of raising money and reaching a wide variety of people.

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Topics: Adoption Finance

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