Henry is 1 ½ years old. At the age of 11 months, Henry enjoyed playing on the cushion, turning around, making a circle. He was reaching for toys and is most happy when a caretaker is playing with him. He likes to play with his hands and play with toys that make noise. He is described as a lovely boy who likes playing in the water during bath time!
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China Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Meet 13 year old Amanda and her 11 year old brother, Anders! We met these sweet siblings for the first time during our Superkids trip to Taiwan in November. It was wonderful getting know them, as they were both very personable.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
We met Kent for the first time on his 6th birthday last fall! Since this was his first time meeting us, he was pretty shy. We could tell that he has a close relationship with his foster mother as he looked to her for reassurance and followed her directions. In fact, his foster mother described him as “a little prince”! She said that he is sweet, cuddly, active, and likes attention.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Are you ready for some cuteness?! Check out Lola, so fancy in her red dress with her hair in a little ponytail! I’m thinking bows would be a hit!
Her file describes her as active, cheerful, smart and clever. She is loved by teachers and caretakers.
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China Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child,
We met sweet, shy Adalyn last spring shortly before she turned 7 years old, and I’ve thought about her often. We could tell she was nervous to meet with us, which is understandable, but slowly over the morning we saw more of her personality shine through. Her caregivers described her as gentle, easy-going, but that she can also have a bit of stubborn streak.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Tom turned three in November! He loves music, reading books, throwing balls and giving high fives! He knows how to clean up the playroom when he is finished playing. Tom is making great strides in his skills- including fine motor and gross motor and communication skills.
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China Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Family changes everything.
At Gladney, we say this often and believe in its power—the power to heal, evolve, and withstand each season, shoulder to shoulder as Family for Life.
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Gladney Family Association,
Gladney Adoptee,
Gladney Friend,
Gladney Adoptive Parent,
Gladney Birth Parent
It’s that time of year again when we gather all our paper and forms together, file our taxes, and hope for the best. Will our refund be enough to take a vacation, or will we have to pay? Is it a W-2 or W-4? Why didn’t my company withhold enough? What is a CPA anyway? TurboTax or H&R Block?
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Adoption Finance
We met Kip for the first time in November 2019, and what a cutie! He was a little shy with us and wasn’t too into trying all of our tasks. But, hey, we’re weird looking and weird sounding strangers! He did warm up to us after some time and we got to see a playful side to him. He loves to play house, especially with kitchen toys. Maybe he’ll be a chef one day!
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Sometimes I wonder what it is like to read our posts as we struggle to relay the unique preciousness of each child. I feel like we use the same words, the same descriptions. Over and over we tell you how blown away we were with a child, how special that child is. But here is the thing, it is true. Each and every time it's true. and if you could just meet the child you would see and understand that. Instead we are tasked with telling you in a few words how special a child is.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child