Jackie’s file was initially prepared in August 2017. Jackie is an observant child. After adjustment in her environment, she was more active, completed tasks quickly and her work was the top in her class.
Jackie’s file was initially prepared in August 2017. Jackie is an observant child. After adjustment in her environment, she was more active, completed tasks quickly and her work was the top in her class.
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child
I don’t know about you but last week was full of meltdowns for my toddler. He feels confused that his routine is off, he isn’t going to school, and let’s be real, he is probably confused why I’m cooking food instead of going to a restaurant. Our first day of working from home was a bit of a free for all because we don’t even have structure yet as we adapt to the new normal of mom and dad both working from home with both boys.
Topics: Mindful Parenting, Tools & Resources
What a whirlwind of a week! Last Friday seems like a lifetime ago—so much has changed, and the amount of uncertainty and uneasiness is amplified times a thousand. On Monday, Gladney made the decision to close its campus to outside visitors for the immediate future due to the COVID-19 virus. Outside events on our campus were cancelled or postponed, and only essential personnel or vendors are currently allowed on campus to ensure the safety of our community. If able, employees are to work from home. Our CEO, Mark Melson, shared a video encouraging us that although things will look very different for the time being, business as usual will try to continue as much as possible.
Topics: Gladney Leadership, Gladney Culture & History, Gladney University
It seems we have been bombarded with unsettling news for weeks. And depending on your personality, social distancing could be your worst nightmare or your dream come true (under different circumstances). For me, it's a little of both. I have enjoyed some special blessings during this time. For example, my daughter who is a college student several hundred miles away has been home. Our whole family has enjoyed being together and playing domino games late into the night. We have had dance parties and cooking contests and we have had some quiet moments too, like cuddling and watching movies. There has been some blessings in all this chaos.
Topics: Gladney Leadership, #makingadifferencetogether, Tools & Resources
Meet 5 year old Arnold! He is a fun-loving, social little guy with a sweet giggle we heard a lot while spending time with him in November. He was good at figuring out our toys which were new to him, and even helped to clean up without being asked!
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child
Rex’s file was initially prepared when he was around 15 months old. At the time, he was sitting up for short periods of time and was learning to crawl. An update from November 2019, shows progress in his development as he is pulling up to hold onto a ride along toy and another showing him sitting and playing the piano.
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child
We were able to spend time with 5 year old Avril again during our Superkids trip to Taiwan in November. We have met sweet Avril a couple of times now, and we always enjoy getting to spend time with her. She is active and fun, and has a good sense of humor! Avril is very verbal and fun to talk with. When we asked if she would count for us, she said “I can’t count now, I’ll get too distracted!” I think playing takes priority over counting any day!
Avril loves to play pretend and made sure to cook us up a big feast. At one point she was bored of our conversation, so she went and climbed into a baby bouncer seat and looked at us
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child
How cute is Harry?! Two and a half year old Harry likes to smile and has a contagious laugh! Watch his video and you will be laughing too! Harry likes to play with cars and he can use his feet during play to hold and move objects.
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child
Adelle and Ada are sisters who are very close to each other. We have photos of the sisters, just not ones that can be shared publicly. To see photos, please request to join our private Taiwan Advocacy Group on Facebook.
Adelle is 10 years old and is the quieter of the 2. She is shy and doesn’t like to do new things without her sister to encourage her.
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child
Next month, Callie will turn 6 years old! Callie’s file was prepared about a year ago and an update has been requested.
Callie gets along well with other children and she is attached to her caregiver. She likes watching cartoons and watching others perform. She is happiest when listening to music and playing games. Callie is able to identify each child by name when their names are called and she is able to point to body parts and show facial
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child