Ambassador Trip to China for Volunteers - Dates!

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/9/19 7:30 AM

The first trip to Jiangxi, China, under the Ai Xing Da Shi (‘Loving Heart Ambassador’) program is being planned for volunteers during the Thanksgiving Holiday week of November, 2019.  Departure from the U.S. will be on Nov. 22, 2019 with return to the U.S. on Nov. 30, 2019.  Since this trip is only 2 months away – the first thing to do is check to see if your passport is valid (must be valid through June 2020).

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Topics: Superkids, Travel to China, "Ambassadors of Love"

Seven Things I Learned from Reading 'No Drama Discipline'

Posted by Lindsay Garrett, LCSW-S on 9/6/19 8:34 AM

No Drama Discipline by Dr. Dan Seigel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson is a must read for parents who want to use connected, respectful, and positive strategies when it comes to discipline. I literally recommend it to every parent I know. Concise, clear, and practical, it gives specific examples and things to try when disciplining our children, all while explaining the neuroscience behind them. A refreshing take in the world of “perfect parenting”, Dan and Tina even give examples of when they lost their cool as parents, or times when they used all the tools in their toolbox and still had to put a screaming toddler in the car. I think we can all relate. Here are just some of the things this book taught me as a professional and a parent.

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Topics: Suggested Reading, Mindful Parenting

Family Is Family Whether You're Blood Related Or Not

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 9/4/19 8:52 AM

A Gladney Adoption Story

“One morning, my caseworker was on the phone telling me there was a family who wanted to adopt me. I remember crying and feeling shocked and excited at the same time. I was surprised a family wanted a seventeen-year-old as a daughter. How is that possible?

After meeting my new parents, I opened up a little to them and talked about some of my past, which was sorta shocking because I rarely ever tell anyone about it. Something in my heart told me I could trust them. As part of one of our visits, we went to see the movie Tomb Raider, and that’s how I came up with my new name: Lara. That was the name of the main character in the movie; and she was strong, incredibly brave, and also very adventurous.
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Topics: Texas Foster Children, Foster Adoption, New Beginnings, Adoption Stories, Success Stories

Three Local Non-Profits Celebrating Milestones

Posted by Natalie Bowen, LMSW-TX on 9/2/19 9:42 AM

Congratulations to three Tarrant County non-profits who are celebrating milestone anniversaries in 2019! They are doing great work in our community and we appreciate their missions.

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Topics: Community Partner

Dealing With Grief At School

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 8/30/19 6:36 AM

reFRAMED Host, Emily Morehead, talked with Mary Kathryn Nader about children grieving a loss while at school. Different circumstances such as the death of a loved one, a divorce in the family, or a move to a new place can cause children to grieve. Mary Kathryn talks about anxiety being one of the main reactions children have after a loss. They have lost more than that person or place because their routines and schedules have changed.

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Topics: reFRAMED Podcast, Grief & Loss

Adoption Medicine Clinic at Gladney University

Posted by Emily Morehead, MA, LPC on 8/29/19 10:20 AM

Many hopeful parents pick up the phone each day and call Gladney to begin their adoption journey. On the list of pre-planned questions they likely jot down prior to the call comes the question “what about drugs and alcohol exposure?”. This is a hard, honest and vulnerable question for almost every parent who is interested in adopting.

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Topics: Gladney University


Posted by Superkids Team on 8/22/19 8:07 AM

This child is part of CCCWA’s new Ambassador of Love program.  Prospective Parents are invited by the CCCWA to meet this child in China as part of the matching process.  For more information please contact  

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Topics: Superkids, China

My Role as Gladney's CEO

Posted by Mark Melson on 8/20/19 6:32 AM

I joined Gladney on April 1, 2008 (April Fool’s Day–appropriate!) as the Chief Development Officer. The agency was in transition at that time, as the development team had just been relocated from the Gladney Fund to the Gladney Center. I later began working with different departments throughout the organization and eventually became the Chief Operating Officer. Eighteen months ago, I took the reins as President and CEO. I have worked in the nonprofit world for the past 24 years, and I’m continually amazed by the generosity of our society. I have learned over the years that people are motivated to make a real impact. It has been my job to tell the story and show how a person’s support can change lives. At Gladney, we have the privilege of doing that every day.

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Topics: Gladney Leadership

The Swinging Bridge

Posted by Lindsay Garrett, LCSW-S on 8/17/19 7:41 PM

The swinging bridge of Camp El Tesoro is a great metaphor for camp. It marks a crossing over into another world, it leaves you unsteady, and it requires a bit of an adventurous spirit and bravery to wobble across. That’s the leap that twenty children took, crossing over to spend a week at Gladney’s Camp Forge at the end of July. 

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Topics: Gladney Adoptee, Camp Forge

Gladney Center for Adoption - Superkids Program Expands!

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/16/19 2:49 PM

For the last decade, Gladney's Superkids program has been sending pediatric therapy teams to visit orphanages in China and Taiwan to learn more about children waiting to be matched with adoptive families. The information we learn on these trips helps us to find permanent adoptive families.  To date, almost 200 children that were seen by Superkids have been adopted by families in the United States as well as other countries.  Many of these children would not have found the love and care of a family, without the Superkids program.  This program continues currently with wonderful success in Taiwan.  The next trip is scheduled for November, 2019.

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Topics: Superkids

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