What Is The Adoption Journey Like?

Posted by Caroline Peavy on 8/15/19 5:34 AM

reFRAMED Host, Emily Morehead, talked with Bailey Guthrie, Gladney adoptive parent, and Ashley Whiteside, LMSW, answer the question, "what is the adoption journey like" if adopting an infant. Bailey discussed the mixed feelings with the adoption process, along with personal experience of loss.

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Topics: Domestic Infant, Adoption Advice, reFRAMED Podcast

Mary Alex and the Leaf

Posted by Caroline Peavy on 8/8/19 10:13 AM


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Topics: Gladney Culture & History, Edna Gladney, Adoption Stories, Adult Adoptee

The Practice of Scientific Gratitude

Posted by Caroline Peavy on 8/3/19 9:37 AM

reFRAMED Host, Emily Morehead, talked with Staci Danford about reframing your brain with gratitude. Staci talked about how gratitude can have a major impact on your life and the different ways you can practice being grateful. Describing why you are grateful for something, like a cup of coffee, allows you to change your thought process and creates the practice of scientific gratitude. Staci's bubbly personality and captivating smile will leave you wanting more.

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Topics: Education, reFRAMED Podcast, Brain Development

A Number I Didn’t Recognize

Posted by Jennifer Lanter on 8/2/19 12:36 PM

Yesterday was a difficult day. It was one of those days where everything is hard, and nothing goes as planned both at work and at home. My husband was traveling, my son had multiple places to be, I had a ton of stuff going on at work and to top it off someone I love was hurting.

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Topics: Adoption Stories

Jack & Twins - Rick & Ryder {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/2/19 7:53 AM
Jack is a handsome 7 year old boy from China. He is a very caring little boy who will ask his caregivers if they need to rest or if they need food when he sees them looking tired. He likes to listen to music and to play outside. He gets along well with his peers.
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Topics: Superkids, China

Bella {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 7/25/19 9:05 AM

Bella is such a beautiful little girl! She is 5 years old, but most of the information we have for her is from when she was 2. 

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

International Adult Adoptee Joins reFRAMED Podcast

Posted by Nancy Robbins on 7/24/19 8:53 AM

It was bound to happen after 25 years of working at Gladney. The Gladney Babies that I heard about and saw photos of when I first started have all grown up.  Many are in college and a few choose to apply to intern at Gladney.  One of these Gladney Babies is Elena Hall

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Topics: reFRAMED Podcast, Gladney Adoptee, International Adoption

A Peek into Gladney's AdoptED School Program

Posted by Caroline Peavy on 7/23/19 2:53 PM

Last week, the AdoptED team gave a presentation for a Gladney University event to inform parents, teachers, administrators, and other professionals about our AdoptED School Program. The presentation was packed with information and gave attendees a chance to see how the team is informing high schoolers about adoption.

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Topics: Gladney Intern Blog, A Day in the Life of a Gladney Intern, AdoptED, Gladney University

AdoptED Influencing National Magazine

Posted by Kerry Tobar on 7/22/19 8:03 AM

As an AdoptED Education Specialist, I have the privilege of meeting some amazing educators and students on a daily basis. Our AdoptED team provides schools and students with free education and resources about adoption using a hands-on, interactive curriculum. It is so wonderful to when they become the adoption advocates.

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Topics: Advocacy, AdoptED

Understanding Red Flags In Your Teenager's Behavior

Posted by Nancy Robbins on 7/5/19 8:18 AM

"Why Do Teens Consider Suicide? More than '13 Reasons Why'"

After an education Gladney University training by Dr. Connie Avila and Ms. Ashley Scott on teen suicide, the reFRAMED Podcast team continued the conversation with our special guests on the reFRAMED Podcast in Episode 7. 

reFRAMED Host, Emily Morehead, talked with Connie and Ashley about how to navigate the in's and out's of the teenage brain in today's world.  Even though it's  daunting to understand red flags your teenager's behavior raise, it is necessary  to tackle these issues to open up communication between parent and teen. Whether your child is struggling with a mental health disorder or perhaps just feeling overwhelmed, Emily and guests discuss the tools needed to assist your teen as they deal with heavy expectations, social media angst, changes in their body, and growing independence. 

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Topics: Gladney University, Education, reFRAMED Podcast, Brain Development, Teenager Brain

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