Adopting Internationally - Children Available

Posted by Leslie Winston on 6/26/19 8:49 AM

How Does This Work?

“We would like to adopt a child who needs us - Who are the children needing adoption in China?”

Depending on who you ask, you will get a variety of answers.  As you consider adopting from China – here is some context that we think is helpful and hopeful that shows many families are successfully adopting from China.

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Intercountry Adoption

A Day in the Life of an Adoptive Parent Caseworker

Posted by Elena Hall on 6/18/19 6:08 AM

Last week was full of adventure, paperwork, and phone calls – but Friday was a day to remember. I want to show you all how my day was on Friday. It was a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. So here is a look into a busy day as a Domestic Adoptive Parent caseworker masters level intern:

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Topics: Gladney Intern Blog, A Day in the Life of a Gladney Intern, Domestic Infant

Tools and Resources to Help Children In Foster Care

Posted by Emily Morehead, MA, LPC on 6/12/19 3:34 PM

With the majority of children entering the Foster Care System before the age of 2 years old there is a great need for foster parents, adoptive parents, teachers, clinicians and medical providers to have tools and resources. Recently I read a harrowing statistic that in the state of Texas there were 4,310 children removed from their parents before or at the age of one years old. Helping the tiniest of our people understand their story, hurt and incorporate emotional and physical wellness should be all of our priority. Recently Sesame Street announced that they were releasing a new resource connection for children who are or have been in foster care and the adults in their lives.

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Topics: Foster Care System, Gladney University, Tools & Resources

Adopting Internationally - Matching

Posted by Leslie Winston on 6/5/19 5:52 AM

How Does This Work?

Over 3,000 children wait in China for adoptive families – but who will become your son or daughter?

When you close your eyes, perhaps you have a vivid picture of who your child may be - a female or male child; a toddler, preschool, or school aged child. Let’s explore the process that leads you from a ‘thought’ about who your child may be to successfully matching with your child!

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Intercountry Adoption

Riley - Bright Futures 2019

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/30/19 2:41 PM



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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

Share Answers To Adoption Questions

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/29/19 9:17 AM

Have you ever had a friend ask you questions about how adoption works or what type of programs Gladney offers? In the recent reFRAMED Podcast, two Gladney Team Members answer our listeners' adoption questions.  This is a great episode to share with friends, family, and your social network. Just click one of the share buttons on the top of this post ... it's that easy!

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Topics: Adoption, reFRAMED Podcast

MATCHED! Kaelan {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/21/19 5:02 PM


We met Kaelan for the first time when we were in Taiwan last month. He just turned 5 and is a quiet little guy who takes time to warm up in new environments. He was quiet when he first came into the room, but was giggling and smiling by the time he left.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan

Anna - Bright Futures 2019

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/18/19 4:01 PM



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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

Andrew - Bright Futures 2019

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/18/19 3:51 PM



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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

Evan - Bright Futures 2019

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/17/19 8:29 PM



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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

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