Introducing.....Josie! Josie is about to celebrate her 6th birthday and in many ways is just like any other 6-year-old girl. We have several photos and videos of Josie that we can’t share publicly, so keep reading to learn more about Josie and how to request her profile.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
There are many things to consider when choosing the right country for an international adoption. There are also various reasons why one country may be a better fit for your family than another.
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Taiwan Adoption
Meet Juliet! Juliet is an adorable little girl who just celebrated her 2nd birthday! We have several photos and videos of Juliet that we can’t share publicly, so keep reading to learn more about Juliet and how to request her file.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Jocelyn just celebrated her 7th birthday and has an optimistic, well-behaved, and good-tempered personality! We have videos of her being a lively 7-year-old, running around the playground and laughing, a video that is sure to bring a smile to your face.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Joshua is a 7-and-a-half-year-old boy with a lively personality. Joshua has been living in the same foster family for 2 years now. We hear he has a regular daily routine, a good appetite, and goes to sleep on time each night.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Gladney’s Superkids is excited to announce our newest sibling group! Meet the dynamic duo, Julian and Jordyn. Julian is a 9-year-old boy and his younger sister is Jordyn, an outgoing 7-year-old girl. Julian and Jordyn have been through a lot, but their resistance and courage shows just how special this sibling group is.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
We are so excited to introduce you to Jace! We have lots of adorable photos of 7-year-old Jace that we can’t share publicly, so please be sure to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to see them.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Out of birth order adoption is something many parents wonder about. At Gladney Center for Adoption, our clinical staff provide insight and experience for families thinking about how a waiting child might fit into their family.
Gladney Center for Adoption, Asia Programs thanks the Wilcox family for sharing a special inside glimpse of their adoption experience!
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
International Adoption
A Superkid update is in! We have new information to share about Kelby since his previous post, and we are very happy to report that he has made tremendous advances and progress in his learning and concentration skills! Kelby previously had difficulty concentrating which affected his grades in school. Since Kelby began taking medication this year, it has effectively shown to improve his concentration in schoolwork, and his test scores in all subjects are all 90 points or more. We even have a recent report card to share with you, indicating his high marks and great rapport from teachers. Kelby is proud of his grades and is quick to share his good marks with his social workers.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child
Meet Jackson! Jackson an adorable 2-year-old boy and we are so excited to tell you more!
Jackson has a stable and gentle personality, sleeps soundly at night, likes rice very much, and likes playing on the slide and peek-a-boo. Jackson is able to follow simple instructions from his caregivers and often initiates play with others, although he can be protective of his toys like many 2-year-olds. Jackson will wave 'bye-bye' and likes to imitate his peer's actions like climbing and playing.
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Taiwan Adoption,
Waiting Children,
Waiting Child