As you are exploring adoption as an option for your family, we are sure that you have many questions. Once a month we ask Thomas & Stephanie a question about their adoption experience.
As you are exploring adoption as an option for your family, we are sure that you have many questions. Once a month we ask Thomas & Stephanie a question about their adoption experience.
Topics: Adoption Advice
While Gladney has offices throughout the US, Domestic Infant Orientation occurs at the Fort Worth Campus. Families from all over the U.S. attend this invitation-only event to learn more about Gladney and about the Domestic Infant Adoption Program.
Topics: Domestic Infant
As you are exploring adoption as an option for your family, we are sure that you have many questions. Once a month we ask Mike & Astra a question about their adoption experience.
Topics: Adoption Advice
The Gladney Center for Adoption is very saddened and troubled by the separation of children from parents at our nation’s borders. Research demonstrates children who are suddenly and without cause separated from their parents experience significant trauma with long-lasting negative impact on growth, emotional and mental health. To learn more about this issue please click here to read the American Association of Pediatrics’ statement. Gladney is a child centered organization and we advocate for children around the world.
Topics: Advocacy, Foster Adoption
Last month, Gladney University hosted "Emotional Development in a Child's First Five Years" with Dr. Margaret Dempsey and Dr. Margaret Harrington of the Child Study Center.
Topics: Suggested Reading, Gladney University
Southwest Airlines created a cute commercial showing an adoptive couple running around the story buying baby paraphernalia. Their campaign was "Behind Every Seat is a Story." Check out the video below:
Topics: Adoption Stories
Read the latest information about Gladney's China and Taiwan's adoption program in May's Gladney Newsletter.
Topics: China Adoption, Taiwan Adoption, China & Taiwan Newsletter
This May is National Foster Care Month, in celebration we are sharing some strategies you can use to show support for foster children and families in the Fort Worth Area.
Topics: Adoption, Support, Foster Care System
It's been a journey already that you've taken towards becoming parents. You've had a lot of tough conversations and wrestled with your plans. Now you're ready to learn more about adoption and you're faced with several options.
Topics: Adoption, Domestic Infant, Foster Adoption, Intercountry Adoption
As National Volunteer Appreciation month comes to a close, we want to acknowledge three Gladney Board Members who rotated off of the Board this month.
Topics: Gladney Leadership, Gladney Culture & History, Volunteer Opportunity