Superkids Team

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Superkids is a humanitarian aid initiative within the Asia Waiting Child Program of the Gladney Center for Adoption. Our goal: to improve the lives of children in Chinese orphanages via adoption advocacy, medical and rehabilitation services. Starting as a tiny team providing services to special needs children in a single facility in Shanghai in 2007, we've grown to a broad coalition of physicians, early childhood development specialists, teachers and volunteers who've aided 500 children in orphanages across China.
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Jasper {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/1/19 10:11 AM

October is national Down syndrome awareness month!! Let's start it off right with an introduction to...

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, "Ambassadors of Love"

Simon {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/27/19 10:53 AM

Simon is part of CCCWA’s new Ambassador of Love program.  Prospective Parents are invited by the CCCWA to meet this child in China as part of the matching process.  For more information please contact  

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Topics: Down Syndrome, Superkids, China Adoption, "Ambassadors of Love"

Terrence {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/23/19 10:54 AM

Terrence is part of CCCWA’s new Ambassador of Love program.  Prospective Parents are invited by the CCCWA to meet this child in China as part of the matching process.  For more information please contact  

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Topics: Superkids, China, "Ambassadors of Love"

Olivia {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/19/19 11:34 AM

Olivia is part of CCCWA’s new Ambassador of Love program.  Prospective Parents are invited by the CCCWA to meet this child in China as part of the matching process.  For more information please contact

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Topics: Down Syndrome, Superkids, China Adoption, "Ambassadors of Love"

Juniper {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/18/19 12:14 PM

Juniper is part of CCCWA’s new Ambassador of Love program.  Prospective Parents are invited by the CCCWA to meet this child in China as part of the matching process.  For more information please contact  

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, "Ambassadors of Love"

Ambassador Trip to China for Volunteers - Dates!

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/9/19 7:30 AM

The first trip to Jiangxi, China, under the Ai Xing Da Shi (‘Loving Heart Ambassador’) program is being planned for volunteers during the Thanksgiving Holiday week of November, 2019.  Departure from the U.S. will be on Nov. 22, 2019 with return to the U.S. on Nov. 30, 2019.  Since this trip is only 2 months away – the first thing to do is check to see if your passport is valid (must be valid through June 2020).

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Topics: Superkids, Travel to China, "Ambassadors of Love"


Posted by Superkids Team on 8/22/19 8:07 AM

This child is part of CCCWA’s new Ambassador of Love program.  Prospective Parents are invited by the CCCWA to meet this child in China as part of the matching process.  For more information please contact  

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Topics: Superkids, China

Gladney Center for Adoption - Superkids Program Expands!

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/16/19 2:49 PM

For the last decade, Gladney's Superkids program has been sending pediatric therapy teams to visit orphanages in China and Taiwan to learn more about children waiting to be matched with adoptive families. The information we learn on these trips helps us to find permanent adoptive families.  To date, almost 200 children that were seen by Superkids have been adopted by families in the United States as well as other countries.  Many of these children would not have found the love and care of a family, without the Superkids program.  This program continues currently with wonderful success in Taiwan.  The next trip is scheduled for November, 2019.

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Topics: Superkids

Jack & Twins - Rick & Ryder {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/2/19 7:53 AM
Jack is a handsome 7 year old boy from China. He is a very caring little boy who will ask his caregivers if they need to rest or if they need food when he sees them looking tired. He likes to listen to music and to play outside. He gets along well with his peers.
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Topics: Superkids, China

Bella {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 7/25/19 9:05 AM

Bella is such a beautiful little girl! She is 5 years old, but most of the information we have for her is from when she was 2. 

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

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