MATCHED!! Meet Justin {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/14/21 1:45 PM



As of today in October 2021, Justin is 5 and a half years old. Justin is a kind young boy who is not shy and develops relationships easily. Even though he is full of energy, he obeys instructions well. Justin has a big appetite and gets along well with his foster sister. He is currently in kindergarten and talks to his foster mother about his friends at school. He recently showed interest in Angry Birds, so his foster mother bought him a 50-piece puzzle. Justin was so excited to show the completed puzzle that he accidently knocked it over. He looked stunned and said ‘it was overturned’ with embarrassment, but with just a little encouragement, he was able to complete the puzzle a second time!

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

MATCHED!! Meet Joanna {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/12/21 8:44 AM


As of today, October 2021, Joanna is 4 years old. Joanna has a gentle personality. She likes to ask for hugs and often acts cutely for affection. She is not shy with strangers and has no stranger anxiety even when she is held by a stranger, or when her caregiver leaves the room temporarily.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

Older Child Adoption Thru Taiwan

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/7/21 12:00 PM

Have you ever considered adopting an older child? Older children like Jason are still adorable, have many talents, and can have meaningful conversations!  

As of today in October 2021, Jason is 7 and a half years old. He can ride a bike with two wheels, perform magic tricks, and is a talented basketball player. Jason is described as attentive and thoughtful. For example, he takes the initiative to care about others, especially his foster mother. Jason is not picky about food and performs daily self-care without needing assistance from caregivers. Although he is afraid of the dark, he sleeps soundly throughout the night. Jason likes going to school and states he has many good friends at school. We also hear he has high self-esteem.  

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

Exciting Sibling Announcement {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/4/21 8:00 AM

We have an exciting new sibling announcement! Abel, who recently participated in our Virtual Superkids has a little sister, Allie, who is now waiting to find her forever home as well. Abel and Allie are currently living in separate foster homes, but it is understood that they will be placed together. We also have several photos and videos of Allie that we can’t share publicly, so keep reading to learn more about this sibling group and how to request their profile! 

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

Meet Josie {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/28/21 7:45 AM

Introducing.....Josie! Josie is about to celebrate her 6th birthday and in many ways is just like any other 6-year-old girl. We have several photos and videos of Josie that we can’t share publicly, so keep reading to learn more about Josie and how to request her profile.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

Emy - Bright Futures 2021

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 9/26/21 12:30 PM

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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

Joelle- Bright Futures 2021

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 9/25/21 7:15 PM

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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

Giving Voice to Children: Empowering Parents

Posted by Heidi Bruegel Cox on 9/24/21 8:30 AM

Part 2 of a 2-part Reflection on Adoption and Foster Care:

Empowering Parents on Behalf of Their Young Children

Part 1 of the reflection on adoption and foster care addressed how to give older children a voice, when the court has determined that the child cannot be safely returned to their home. [Part One] Part 2 considers how to empower parents with young children in decision-making, in particular mothers who have struggled with drug dependency, when the state is ready to step in and remove the child. The parent may be continuing to have significant struggles with parenting a young child or may have delivered a drug-exposed infant. Often, this mother is overwhelmed and living a chaotic life, because of a chaotic childhood. People charged with helping the parent in establishing a safety plan may need to consider additional tools to help empower her, in conjunction with the usual state-system-safety-toolkit. This parent might be able to reflect on her own life, for answers in making decisions for her child. By helping her overlay her own childhood experiences and current situation onto her child’s future and allowing the parent to look at options outside of foster care, we can give the child a voice through the parent.

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Topics: Foster Care System, Parenting, Older Child Adoption

A Day in the Life with Megan Pleshek

Posted by Megan Pleshek, LMSW on 9/22/21 4:45 PM

Name and Role: Megan Pleshek, LMSW, New Beginnings Caseworker 

How long have you worked for Gladney?  

I was an intern in the New Beginnings program from August 2019 to June 2020. I became a New Beginnings Caseworker in August 2020. 

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Posted by Mark Melson on 9/22/21 10:00 AM

The excitement builds as you anticipate that special day … the day you meet your child. 

After years of discussion, my wife and I decided to adopt. Because I work for Gladney, the seed was already planted, but it took us a while to take that next step. Our daughters were a little older, so we thought introducing a new child, a son, into the mix probably wouldn’t be too distressing. We completed all the trainings that parents go through when adopting from foster care, and we sat through many discussions with other parents sharing how rewarding and how challenging adoption can be. My wife and I smiled at each other thinking, “Of course, there will be challenging days, but we’re super parents … just look at our two perfect daughters.” 

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Topics: Foster Adoption, Gladney Leadership, Foster Care System, Older Child Adoption

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