Introducing reFRAMED

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 2/27/19 10:01 AM

We are thrilled to introduce you to reFRAMED, a podcast presented by the Gladney Center for Adoption. Our podcast is for adoptive parents, therapists, clinicians, educators, and other professionals who have a love for children and a desire to meet their needs.

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Topics: Gladney University, Education, reFRAMED Podcast

Ciana {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/26/19 8:51 AM

We give the children we advocate for advocacy names for privacy purposes. While the names are significant to the children, they do hold some level of meaning to us since thats how we refer to the children we advocate for. This morning I needed a name for a little girl and saw that the meaning of her Chinese name is light. So I did a quick Google search and found a list of names meaning light. I ended up choosing Ciana for her. I have never heard it before, but I just loved it! I think it fits her.

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Topics: Superkids, China

Gladney Newsletter: China & Taiwan - February 2019

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 2/25/19 7:30 AM

Read the latest information about Gladney's China and Taiwan's adoption program in the February 2019 Gladney Newsletter.

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Topics: China Adoption, Taiwan Adoption, China & Taiwan Newsletter

International Adoption + Gladney + Gladney Family = Gladney Baby Intern

Posted by Elena Hall on 2/23/19 12:11 PM

Sitting here at my desk at the same adoption organization my parents came to is so surreal.  Being a Social Work intern at Gladney right now is so special because it allows me to connect with where my new life with my family began.  As a future social worker, my goal is to help others on their adoption journeys and support all members of the adoption triad.  I just finished a big personal project of mine which was publishing my book called Through Adopted Eyes: A Collection of Memoirs from Adoptees – which includes my own thoughts and perspective on adoption as a Russian adoptee.  The book also includes the emotional and amazing stories of 50 other adoptees and talks about the best and worst things about being an adoptee and what adoptees wish others knew.  These adoptees of all different ages have differing backgrounds, perspectives, and adoptee insight. 

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Topics: Gladney Intern Blog, A Day in the Life of a Gladney Intern, Intercountry Adoption, Adoption Stories

Martin Update {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/20/19 2:26 PM

Oh sweet little Martin! How we love seeing you when we visit Taiwan! 

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Penny {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/19/19 1:16 PM

I think I could just post Penny's pictures and call it a day. She is just that precious! I think someone is going to see her and their heart is going to say, "There she is!" And that will be that.

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Topics: Superkids, China

MATCHED!! Archie Update {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/15/19 7:12 AM


We were able to meet with sweet, 10 year old, Archie again during our visit in the fall. Archie has been living in the same foster family since he was an infant, and it’s clear he has a good relationship with his foster mother. She told us that he is a polite, considerate, gentle boy who helps to care for the younger foster brother in the home.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan

Superkids Family Story: Part 1

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/13/19 2:41 PM
Over the next few months we are excited to include in the China & Taiwan Newsletter an intimate and exciting recounting of one family's recent adoption experiences. The author, a father along with his wife are now parenting two boys from China. They adopted David in 2016 and they returned home with Roy earlier this year.
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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Adoption Stories

Brothers – Kyle, Kristopher & Kirk {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/12/19 2:30 PM

We were able to meet brothers Kyle (10), Kristopher (9) and Kirk (5) during our trip to Taiwan in the fall. These brothers are full of fun!
Oldest brother, Kyle, is a little shy but warmed up and enjoyed playing ball games with us. He told us that he likes PE class and especially likes playing badminton. He is very close to Kristopher and often likes to find him at school during free time so they can play together. Kyle told us his favorite animals are dogs, birds, elephants, rhinos, and dinosaurs! Kyle is in the 5th grade and attends special education classes. Kyle lives in a foster family with Kristopher. Kyle has G6PD and delays.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan

New York City Chinese New Year Celebration Fun

Posted by Leslie Winston on 2/12/19 8:32 AM

Thank you to everyone in the New York City area who came out for our annual Chinese New Year celebration at Jing Fong restaurant! We had an excellent turn out on Super Bowl Sunday and everyone had a great time! The children made crafts and loved interacting with the dancing dragon.

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Topics: China Adoption, Gladney Event, China

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