Adoption Advice From Gladney Parents

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 7/6/18 7:53 AM

As you are exploring adoption as an option for your family, we are sure that you have many questions. Once a month we ask Mike & Astra a question about their adoption experience.

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Topics: Adoption Advice

Mark My Words: Happy 4th!

Posted by Mark Melson on 7/2/18 10:13 AM

Support Gladney

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Topics: Mark Melson, Holiday

Separation of Children from Parents at our Nation’s Borders

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 6/29/18 12:24 PM

The Gladney Center for Adoption is very saddened and troubled by the separation of children from parents at our nation’s borders.  Research demonstrates children who are suddenly and without cause separated from their parents experience significant trauma with long-lasting negative impact on growth, emotional and mental health. To learn more about this issue please click here to read the American Association  of Pediatrics’ statement. Gladney is a child centered organization and we advocate for children around the world.

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Topics: Advocacy, Foster Adoption

Call To Action: Every Child Deserves A Loving & Caring Family

Posted by Heidi Bruegel Cox on 6/28/18 2:02 PM

Every child deserves a loving and caring family. Every child. Everywhere.

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Topics: Advocacy

Ask The Experts... Father's Day Edition

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/16/18 8:36 AM
What is your favorite thing about your dad?
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Topics: Superkids, family story

A Few Thoughts on Fatherhood

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/15/18 12:44 PM

This year, my thoughts of fatherhood are intertwined with the concept of sonship. What does it mean to be a son (or daughter)? Being a father is about the relationship. The same is true for being a son. Just as my father’s relationship with me defines him as a father, my relationship with him is what makes me his son.

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Topics: Superkids, Adoption Stories

Summertime Fun Questions Series!

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/13/18 6:30 AM

We are starting a new blog series featuring questions that we are asking families in our Gladney China families Facebook group. (Hang on Taiwan families! We have something fun planned for your kiddos this summer too!)

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Topics: Summertime Series, Uncategorized

A Father’s Day Thought - You Complete Me

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/12/18 7:57 AM
Dwight and Kiddos May 18
The crew on my birthday

As I was putting my son to bed one night recently he asked me something to the effect, “Daddy why did you adopt me?”  If you have an adoption story you have likely heard or will hear this question many times.  I have answered this question before but this time I gave it a different thought.  See we had also just come off our third adoption and I kind of sensed the question is really more about why did you do this or need to do this?  

So I told my son as honestly as I could that we did not need to adopt him or his sisters to his surprise. As I explained, because when you need something it is more of an act of instinct, or survival so the satisfaction in the act is limited. No, when I thought about his question, I smiled and told him, “Buddy, I wanted you!” I chased after you with all the love of my heart for you and your sisters. All the long nights of paperwork, and worry.  All the driving around and chasing the next authentication or deadline, was not something I needed to do but I wanted to do. 

I wanted and chased after all my children as one who loves with reckless abandonment until that day when I had my children in my arms and peace settled into the deepest part of my soul.   That moment happened a year ago last Father’s day, after a long trip to bring home my precious daughter, we just happened to have Father’s day weekend as our first weekend home. As we sat around the table having lunch, an overwhelming feeling hit me and turned to my wife and said, “This is right, this is what we were meant to be as a family”.   

My little ones, my loves, you completed me that Father’s Day and every Father’s Day for all time.

- Written by a 3x Gladney dad, Dwight Richmond

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Adoption Stories

Adoption Story Told by Tessa

Posted by Tessa on 6/5/18 2:30 PM

My name is Tessa, and I’m a Gladney Sibling. If I had to describe myself in three words, I would choose determined, creative, and independent.

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Topics: Adoption, Adoption Stories

Andy {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/5/18 9:59 AM

Are you ready for some baby boy cuteness in your day. Prepare to lose your heart!

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

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