Meet Alec {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/30/18 10:06 AM

Over in our private Taiwan Facebook group (be sure to join for pictures and videos we can't share publicly!) we asked for help to give this little guy an advocacy name. Alec was the clear favorite of the 3 names we asked you to choose from, so today we are introducing Alec!

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

Gladney Newsletter: China & Taiwan - 5/2018

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/29/18 9:18 AM

Read the latest information about Gladney's China and Taiwan's adoption program in May's Gladney Newsletter.

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Topics: China Adoption, Taiwan Adoption, China & Taiwan Newsletter

Addressing The Orphan & Foster Care Crisis

Posted by Bill Porter, M.Ed. on 5/28/18 2:00 AM

CAFO Summit

Last week I had the wonderful opportunity of attending the Christian Alliance for Children (CAFO) Summit in Frisco, Texas.  While I was there, it was great to see the Christian churches’ response to the problem of child welfare around the world. 

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Topics: New Beginnings, Foster Care System, Intercountry Adoption

Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support

Posted by Heidi Bruegel Cox on 5/25/18 5:30 AM

Gladney Participates in the Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support

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Topics: Adoption

MATCHED!! Adam {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/24/18 11:57 AM


Adam is a handsome 7 year old boy whose favorite subject is PE, especially running. He likes to do puzzles and is described as creative and obedient. This sweet little guy is very considerate of his foster mom and very attached to her.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption


Posted by Superkids Team on 5/23/18 9:33 AM

Oscar is a 2 year old baby boy who is described as happy and easy-going. His file states that when he first arrived he was quiet and shy, but with time he settled in and is now outgoing and laughs easily. He likes to listen to music and raise his arms and sway "just like dancing."

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, DS Grant

Donate, Volunteer, Foster, Adopt | National Foster Care Month

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/22/18 2:19 PM

This May is National Foster Care Month, in celebration we are sharing some strategies you can use to show support for foster children and families in the Fort Worth Area.

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Topics: Adoption, Support, Foster Care System

MATCHED!! Avril {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/22/18 9:42 AM


Avril came into the room giggling when we met her last month. I don't know what she thought was funny, but she was covering her little mouth with her hand and giggling. It was absolutely adorable.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption


Posted by Superkids Team on 5/21/18 12:28 PM

We have met Lyle several times. The last time was in October of 2016. We recently decided to check up on some of "our" kids that we have met to see if they are on still waiting for families. Lyle is one of the children who is still waiting.

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Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

Birth Mother's Day

Posted by Amy Shore, MA, M.Ed., LPC on 5/20/18 1:30 PM

A mother's love begins when her child is in utero.  

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Topics: Birth Mother's Day

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