Nothing is more important than our children, and no role is more significant than advocating for children, especially the most vulnerable children who have suffered abuse or neglect or who have been removed from their biological families.
Call To Action: Internationally Adopted Persons Who Fell Into Loophole
As Congress works to resolve the important issues around DACA, please do not forget another group of foreign-born children who were brought into United States legally, and adopted by U.S citizens, yet do not have U.S. citizenship. There are the internationally adopted persons who fell into a loophole that was created when Congress passed the Child Citizenship Act of 2000. (Read Adopted Persons Deserve Equal Protection.)
Topics: Advocacy, Legislative, Intercountry Adoption
Arlo is an 8 year old boy who likes playing with remote control cars and playing at the park. He likes playing with friends at school and is good at following rules.
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption
"100 years ago, children who were adopted were not automatically able to inherit from their adoptive parents in the same way biological children were. Today, we cannot imagine how adopted children could have fewer rights than other children born into a family. Unfortunately, another significant discrepancy continues to exist for certain internationally adopted persons: A child who was adopted in complete compliance with U.S. law and the laws of the birth country may not be a U.S. citizen, even though the person’s sibling, who was born in the same foreign country to the U.S. parents, would be a full U.S. citizen. Now as adults, one sibling has all the rights of U.S. citizenship, while the adopted sibling may not have automatic rights of citizenship, and is vulnerable to deportation."
Topics: Advocacy, Legislative, Intercountry Adoption
We know that you want adoption facts as you explore adoption for your family. We know that you need to weigh the challenges, the investment and the wait.
Topics: Adoption
Kayla just turned 5 years old. She is described as a quiet, shy child who rely on her caregiver for security. She is described a smiley and lovely.
Topics: Superkids, China Adoption
What We're Reading: The Opioid Epidemic and Foster Care - Brookings Report
I recently read "The foster care system was unprepared for the last drug epidemic—let’s not repeat history", by Jeremy Kohomban, Jennifer Rodriguez, and Ron Haskins.
Topics: Advocacy, Foster Care System
Today Tim is turning 8! I think the most amazing birthday present we can give this little boy is to tell you all about him!
Topics: Uncategorized, China, Featured, FSL Project
AdoptED's free high school curriculum is designed to address the problems of teen pregnancy and dropout rates while offering factual information on the adoption option.
Topics: AdoptED, Adoption Education Program
We wrote a post about Draydon back in September. You can read it here. Since then we got to spend time with him in November. He is a quiet little guy who is described by his foster mom as happy, smart, well-behaved, and talkative.
Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized, Featured