Irene - Bright Futures 2020

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/2/20 10:31 AM

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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

Join the Conversation

Posted by Lisa Schuessler on 2/16/20 3:44 PM

Family changes everything.

At Gladney, we say this often and believe in its power—the power to heal, evolve, and withstand each season, shoulder to shoulder as Family for Life.

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Topics: Gladney Family Association, Gladney Adoptee, Gladney Friend, Gladney Adoptive Parent, Gladney Birth Parent

Gladney Holiday Artwork Contest

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 10/31/19 3:36 PM

Traditions make the holidays a special time for children and their families, and we have traditions at Gladney, too!

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Topics: Gladney Adoptee, Artwork Contest, Holiday Card

The Swinging Bridge

Posted by Lindsay Garrett, LCSW-S on 8/17/19 7:41 PM

The swinging bridge of Camp El Tesoro is a great metaphor for camp. It marks a crossing over into another world, it leaves you unsteady, and it requires a bit of an adventurous spirit and bravery to wobble across. That’s the leap that twenty children took, crossing over to spend a week at Gladney’s Camp Forge at the end of July. 

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Topics: Gladney Adoptee, Camp Forge

International Adult Adoptee Joins reFRAMED Podcast

Posted by Nancy Robbins on 7/24/19 8:53 AM

It was bound to happen after 25 years of working at Gladney. The Gladney Babies that I heard about and saw photos of when I first started have all grown up.  Many are in college and a few choose to apply to intern at Gladney.  One of these Gladney Babies is Elena Hall

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Topics: reFRAMED Podcast, Gladney Adoptee, International Adoption

Riley - Bright Futures 2019

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/30/19 2:41 PM



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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

Anna - Bright Futures 2019

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/18/19 4:01 PM



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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

Andrew - Bright Futures 2019

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/18/19 3:51 PM



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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

Evan - Bright Futures 2019

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/17/19 8:29 PM



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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

Erin - Bright Futures 2019

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/17/19 8:19 PM



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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

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